
India's Rover Rolls Out Onto the Lunar Surface

Shortly after it landed on the lunar surface, Indian-'s Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully deployed its Pragyan rover.

1 year ago

Chandrayaan-3 Lands Successfully on the Moon’s South Pole

India’s space agency successfully landed their Chandrayaan-3 lander on the lunar surface, becoming the fourth country to touch down on…

1 year ago

Russia's Luna 25 Lander Crashed Into the Moon

On Saturday, Aug. 19th, Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft suffered an engine malfunction and crashed its lunar lander on the Moon's surface.

1 year ago

Deploying a Huge Antenna On The Moon Could Study Its Insides

Understanding what lies under the lunar surface could be critical to future exploration efforts. A series of missions have already…

1 year ago

We Could Get Material On The Moon By Shocking It With Lightning

Lately, plenty of ideas have been floating around for methods to mine the Moon. That is undoubtedly partly due to…

1 year ago

Spacecraft, Landers and Rovers Could be Recycled for Parts on the Moon

Additive manufacturing is slowly becoming more and more useful as the technology improves. One of the places it continues its…

1 year ago

China’s Chang’e-7 Will Deploy a Hopper that Jumps into a Crater in Search of Water Ice

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese National Space Administration recently published a study in the journal…

1 year ago

We Could Get Large Amounts of Water From the Moon by Directing the Sun At It

One of the most commonly discussed challenges when starting our species' space exploration journey is how to get the resources…

1 year ago

China Will Use Two Rockets to Put Humans on the Moon

At a recent summit, China revealed new details about its first crewed lunar mission scheduled for 2030, including schematics, graphics,…

1 year ago

NASA Artemis DIMPLE Instrument Suite to Explore Moon’s Mysterious Volcanic Features

NASA recently selected a new science payload that will travel to the Moon through a series of robotic missions via…

1 year ago