
The Moon has a Solid Core Like the Earth

A new study by a team of French researchers has confirmed that the Moon has a solid inner core.

1 year ago

NASA Shuts Down the Lunar Flashlight Mission After it Fails to Go into Orbit

NASA missions can be categorized into two types. One type includes headline-grabbing missions, such as the JWST or New Horizons,…

1 year ago

Glass Fibers in Lunar Regolith Could Help Build Structures on the Moon

After analyzing the samples returned by Chang'e-5, a team of Chinese scientists found glass fibers that could be used to…

1 year ago

Is This Nearby Asteroid a Chunk of the Moon?

The Moon dominates our view of the night sky. But it's not the only thing orbiting Earth. A small number…

1 year ago

We Can Now See Into the Permanently Shadowed Craters on the Moon

An instrument called ShadowCam is giving NASA's planned Artemis missions to the Moon some advanced views of a landing site.…

1 year ago

One Day Astronauts Will Be Breathing Oxygen Made From Rocks

When there's a permanent base on the Moon, astronauts will need a way to replenish their oxygen supply. Fortunately, there's…

1 year ago

NASA Seeks Greater Diversity in Research Collaborations

Through the MUREP Partnership Learning Annual Notification, NASA is looking for input from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) for its "Moon…

1 year ago

Japanese Company’s Moon Lander Is Presumed Lost After Going Silent

A lunar lander built and operated by ispace, a Japanese startup, descended to the surface of the moon today after…

1 year ago

Hakuto-R Spacecraft Just Captured its Own Stunning Version of ‘Earthrise’

The Hakuto-R lunar lander, currently in orbit around the Moon, just captured a beautiful “Earthrise”-like image, and one with an…

1 year ago

The Moon is the Best Place to Transport Rocket Fuel

When astronauts return to the Moon in the next few years, the plan is to have them stay for good…

1 year ago