
Don’t Breathe the Moon Dust

One of the big hazards for astronauts living on the Moon is going to be the dust; it gets everywhere,…

20 years ago

Is There Water on the Moon?

NASA's Lunar Prospector hinted at the possibility that there are pockets of water ice in permanently shadowed craters at the…

20 years ago

The Search for the Mountain of Eternal Sunlight

Now firmly in orbit, the European Space Agency's SMART-1 is seeking out a spot at the Moon's north pole that…

20 years ago

Podcasts: Best Spot for a Lunar Base

In case you missed the news, NASA is headed back to the Moon in the next decade. A permanent lunar…

20 years ago

India and Europe Agree on Lunar Mission

Officials from the European Space Agency and Indian Space Research Organisation have approved on a cooperative project to send a…

20 years ago

SMART-1’s Mission Extended

Even though SMART-1 has only just reached the Moon, controllers with the European Space Agency have decided to extend its…

20 years ago

SMART-1’s First Image of the Moon

The ESA's SMART-1 has taken its first close-up pictures of the Moon's surface, snapping a series of photos from an…

20 years ago

Experiments Chosen For Lunar Orbiter

NASA has selected six proposals for instruments that will fly with the upcoming Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). These instruments include:…

20 years ago

SMART-1 Goes Into Lunar Orbit

The European Space Agency's SMART-1 spacecraft is no longer orbiting the Earth... it's orbiting the Moon! The spacecraft has been…

20 years ago

SMART-1 Nearly Captured By the Moon

The European Space Agency's SMART-1 spacecraft fired its ion thruster nearly continuously last week to set itself up to be…

20 years ago