
Asteroids Didn’t Create the Moon’s Largest Craters. Left-Over Planetesimals Did

The Moon's pock-marked surface tells the story of its history. It's marked by over 9,000 impact craters, according to the…

2 years ago

We Could Simulate Living in Lunar Lava Tubes in Caves on Earth

Simulation is key to space exploration. Scientists and engineers test as many scenarios as possible before subjecting their projects to…

2 years ago

NASA Wants to Build Landing Pads on the Moon

NASA has started engaging with commercial partners are some out-there projects. One of the most recent is a six year,…

2 years ago

Tiny Cubesat Will Shine an Infrared ‘Flashlight’ Into the Moon’s Shadowed Craters, Searching for Water Ice

A tiny spacecraft is ready to head out for a big job: shining a light on water ice at the…

2 years ago

OK, Artemis. Now You’re Just Showing Off. A Stunning View of the Moon Eclipsing Earth From the Orion Spacecraft

Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse of the Earth from the far side of the Moon? Now we have.…

2 years ago

Artemis I has Completed its First Flyby of the Moon

The Orion spacecraft made its first close flyby of the Moon on Monday, November 21, coming as close as 81…

2 years ago

Europe is Building a Communications Network Around the Moon

GPS and the world's other global positioning systems all have one very limiting disadvantage: they're global to only one world.…

2 years ago

One Total Lunar Eclipse Photo to Rule Them All

We’ve seen some great images from the total lunar eclipse this week. But this one might top them all. Astrophotographer…

2 years ago

Stunning Photos from the November 8, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse

Did the skies above you cooperate this morning to see the total lunar eclipse? Mine did not, and Fraser reports…

2 years ago

Want a Sneak Peek From NASA’s Lucy Mission? Here are Some Photos it Took of the Moon During its Flyby

We reported a few weeks ago about an Earth gravity assist flyby for the Lucy mission. Around the same as…

2 years ago