
To get Artificial Gravity on the Moon, you'd Need a Giant Rotating Lunar Base

Kyoto University and one of Japan's largest construction companies are collaborating on a study for a "Lunagrass" rotating lunar base!

2 years ago

Rocket Lab Launches NASA’s CAPSTONE Mission to the Moon

A microwave oven–sized cubesat launched to space today from New Zealand by commercial company Rocket Lab and their Electron rocket.…

2 years ago

China’s Lunar Lander Finds Water Under its Feet

Earlier this year, scientists from China’s Chang’E-5 lunar lander revealed they had found evidence of water in the form of…

2 years ago

A Geologic map of the Entire Moon has Been Released at 1:2,500,000-Scale

Chinese scientists have created the most detailed map of the Moon yet. It took them 10 years and involved hundreds…

2 years ago

The Moon’s Ancient Volcanoes Could Have Created Ice Sheets Dozens of Meters Thick

Everyone loves looking at the Moon, especially through a telescope. To see those dark and light patches scattered across its…

2 years ago

The Lunar Eclipse, Seen From the International Space Station

If you were able to witness the lunar eclipse on May 15-16, 2022, the view of the dark red Moon…

2 years ago

Engineers Design an Electrical Microgrid for a Lunar Base

Sandia National Laboratories is developing microgrid technology that will power the Artemis Base Camp and operations on the Moon!

2 years ago

A CubeSat is Flying to the Moon to Make Sure Lunar Gateway’s Orbit is Actually Stable

To validate the Lunar Gateway's orbit around the lunar poles (a halo orbit), NASA is sending the CAPSTONE mission to…

2 years ago

What’s the Best Way to Build Landing Pads on the Moon?

A new study considers the most cost-effective way to build landing pads on the Moon, which is essential to establishing…

2 years ago

Canada's Criminal Laws now Extend to Earth Orbit and the Moon

In anticipation of Artemis, the Canadian government just passed an amendment to extend its Criminal Code to the Moon!

2 years ago