
New Idea: Use the Starship HLS to Create a Lunar Base!

An international team presented a new idea for a lunar base at 2021 IAC this week: use the Starship HLS…

3 years ago

Volcanism on the Moon Ended About 2 Billion Years ago

An international team examined lunar rocks brought back by the Chang'e-5 mission, and determined that volcanism ended on the Moon…

3 years ago

NASA Spacecraft Takes a Picture of Jupiter … From the Moon

You know the feeling …. seeing Jupiter through your own telescope. If it gives you the chills -- like it…

3 years ago

Some of the Moon’s Craters are so Dark, it Takes AI to see What’s Inside Them

There is no dark side of the Moon.  But there are dark spots on it - specifically at the bottom…

3 years ago

The Early Solar System was Messier and More Violent Than Previously Believed

Our conventional models of planet formation may have to be updated, according to a pair of new papers. Accretion is…

3 years ago

Chefs on the Moon Will be Cooking up Rocks to Make air and Water

NASA has delayed their Artemis mission to the Moon, but that doesn't mean a return to the Moon isn't imminent.…

3 years ago

Chang’e-5 Returned an Exotic Collection of Moon Rocks

Scientists have begun studying the samples returned from the Moon by China’s Chang’e-5 mission in December 2020, and a group…

3 years ago

NASA’s VIPER Rover Will Hunt for Water Near Nobile Crater at Moon’s South Pole

NASA says its VIPER rover will head for the western edge of Nobile Crater near the moon's south pole in…

3 years ago

The Moon was Pummeled Even Harder by Asteroids Than it Looks

The Moon's pitted surface tells a tale of repeated impacts over a long period of time. While Earth's active geology…

3 years ago

A New Way to Search for Exomoons

We'd love to find another planet like Earth. Not exactly like Earth; that's kind of ridiculous and probably a little…

3 years ago