
New Study Shows the Earth and Moon are not so Similar After All

A new study shows that Earth and the Moon are not as similar as we thought, which helps resolve a…

5 years ago

India’s Chandrayaan 2 is Creating the Highest Resolution Map We Have of the Moon

ISRO's Chandrayaan 2 orbiter is quantifying just how much water ice exists on the Moon’s poles.

5 years ago

70 Million Years Ago, Days Were 30 Minutes Shorter, According to this Ancient Clam

Has humanity been doing it all wrong? We're busy staring off into space with our futuristic, ultra-powerful telescopes, mesmerized by…

5 years ago

Comparing Mountains on the Moon to the Earth’s Peaks

NASA's Artemis Program is planning to land astronauts on the Moon's south pole. To prepare for this, NASA's Solar System…

5 years ago

Beyond Robotic Arms. Canada Funds Technology for Space Exploration

The Canadian Space Agency recently awarded contracts to a series of companies to develop technologies and tools to aid in…

5 years ago

NASA is Planning to Build a Lunar Rover With a 1-Meter Drill to Search for Water Ice

Meet VIPER, NASA's new lunar rover, equipped with a drill to probe the Moon's surface and look for water ice.…

5 years ago

A Picture of Earth’s New Temporary Moon

With the excitement and interest in the newly discovered ‘mini-moon’ found orbiting Earth, astronomers quickly set their sights on trying…

5 years ago

Astronomers Discover a Tiny New Temporary Moon for the Earth. Welcome to the Family 2020 CD3

Astronomers are increasingly interested in Near-Earth Objects, or NEOs. There are ongoing efforts to find them all and catalog them…

5 years ago

ESA is Going to Test Two Rovers Working Together to Explore the Moon

The ESA is working on a system (TRAILER) that will allow two robots to work in tandem and explore the…

5 years ago

Chang’e-4 Wraps Up a Year Roving on the Far Side of the Moon

During its 370 days on the lunar surface, China's Yutu 2 rover has broken multiple records - including distance traveled…

5 years ago