
Despite the Crash, SpaceIL is Going Back to the Moon with Beresheet 2

Beresheet, the unlikely lander built with donations to a non-profit group, crashed into the Moon. But that doesn't mean it…

5 years ago

Beresheet Crashed.

The Israeli Beresheet spacecraft has crashed into the Moon. The craft, whose name is Hebrew for "in the beginning" made…

5 years ago

Six People Have Begun a 122-Day Simulated Mission on the Moon

The SIRIUS-19 experiment recently kicked off, with six cosmonauts entering a simulated lunar environment (where they will spend the next…

5 years ago

China’s Lunar Rover Wakes Up and Gets to Work for its 3rd Lunar Day

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has released some new photos and updated the world on their lunar rover mission.…

5 years ago

You’re in This Picture. It’s a Selfie Taken by SpaceIL’s Beresheet Lunar Lander on its Way to the Moon

Israel's space program doesn't get a lot of headlines. Israel itself is in the news a lot, but usually for…

5 years ago

Here’s a Clever idea. Build Moon Bases in Craters and then Fill them in with Lunar Regolith

A student team associated with the ESA recently developed a concept for a Moon base that would rely on lunar…

5 years ago

One of the Oldest Earth Rocks Turned up on the Moon, of all Places

A recent study has determined that the oldest sample of Earth rock ever discovered (~4 billion years old) was actually…

5 years ago

There’s Life on the Moon! China’s Lander Just Sprouted the First Plants

The Chang'e-4 mission accomplished another first by being the first mission to grow plant life on the Moon. Unfortunately, the…

5 years ago

Incredible Descent Video of the Chinese Lander to the Lunar Far Side

On January 2nd, 2019, China's Chang'e-4 lander made a successful landing on the far side of the Moon. The China…

5 years ago

China’s Chang’e-4 Lands on the Far Side of the Moon

China's Chang'e-4 mission made history on Jan. 2nd when it became the first mission to land on the "dark side"…

6 years ago