When space tourism gets underway, companies will have many options for getting people to and from the Moon, some faster…
It’s been 47 years since Apollo 8 captured the famous Earthrise photo. Now the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s version is out.…
The year 2015 saved one of the best astronomical events for last, as the waning crescent Moon occults (passes in…
A space-faring friend pays our fair planet a visit this week on the morning of December 3rd, as the Japanese…
In the wake of NASA’s supremely successful inaugural test flight of the Orion deep space capsule on the EFT-1 mission…
Clear night ahead? Let's see what's up. We'll start close to home with the Moon, zoom out to lonely Fomalhaut 25 light…
So, did this past weekend’s shift back to Standard Time for most of North America throw you for a loop?…
Get ready for a man-made fireball. A object discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on Oct 3rd temporarily designated WT1190F is…
Asteroid 2015 TB145 isn’t the only cosmic visitor paying our planet a trick-or-treat visit over the coming week. With any…
NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, MD - Rigorous testing has begun on the advanced robotic arm and boulder extraction mechanisms…