Space Geek Heaven: Man’s ‘Museum’ Contains Thousands Of Collectables

We're all space geeks at Universe Today and are used to seeing collections of memorabilia, but there's something about Joe…

11 years ago

NASA ‘Game-Changing’ Space Propellant Tank To Stay Grounded For Now

A lighter and stronger "game-changing" tank that could have flown in space in a few years will be tested on…

11 years ago

Why Flower Bouquets Regularly Show Up In NASA Mission Control

Three red roses and a white one. The flower bouquet sitting in NASA Mission Control right now in Houston is…

11 years ago

Why Trapping Somebody In Space Only Takes A Breeze (And Other Highlights From Expedition 40)

Imagine that you were in the middle of a module on the International Space Station. Floating in mid-air, far from…

11 years ago

China’s Yutu Moon rover starts Lunar Day 4 Awake but Ailing

Chang’e-3/Yutu Timelapse Color Panorama This newly expanded timelapse composite view shows China’s Yutu moon rover at two positions passing by…

11 years ago

Rocket Fail Video Shows Human And Technological Risk With Each Launch

What you see above is 32 minutes of something going wrong during each launch. While humanity has been launching things…

11 years ago

How Astronauts Could Survive In The Cold After A Soyuz Landing

If your spaceship comes back in rural Kazakhstan, and it's blowing snow, and rescue forces can't get there right away,…

11 years ago