New Horizons

Global Pluto Mosaic From New Hi Res Imagery Reveals Bewildering Diversity and Complexity

This new global mosaic view of Pluto was created from the latest high-resolution images to be downlinked from NASA’s New…

9 years ago

New Pluto Images Show Possible Dunes, Crepuscular Rays, Unimaginable Complexity

New Horizons scientists say they are "reeling" from the new images sent back from the spacecraft which were released today.…

9 years ago

New Horizons Team Delves into the Mystery of Charon’s “Red Pole”

As we await new imagery and data from the New Horizons’ flyby of the Pluto system to be transmitted to…

9 years ago

Get Ready for More Pluto Pics from New Horizons

If you thought the New Horizons spacecraft flyby of the Pluto system happened waaaay too fast and you’re pining for…

9 years ago

NASA and New Horizons team pick post-Pluto target … and serve up an awesome video

NASA and the science team behind the New Horizons mission to Pluto and beyond have settled on the popular choice…

9 years ago

Ride Along with New Horizons on its Pluto Flyby

On July 14, 2015, after nine and a half years journeying across the Solar System, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made its historic…

9 years ago

Kirk, Spock and Sulu Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before — Charon!

A big smile. That was my reaction to seeing the names of Uhura, Spock, Kirk and Sulu on the latest…

9 years ago

Faces of the Solar System

“Look, it has a tiny face on it!” This sentiment was echoed ‘round the web recently, as an image of…

9 years ago

See Pluto’s Icy Flow Plains and Mountains Revealed in Highest Resolution Flyover Mosaic and Movie

Highest resolution mosaic of ‘Tombaugh Regio’ shows the heart-shaped region on Pluto focusing on ice flows and plains of ‘Sputnik…

9 years ago

Flowing Ice, Exotic Mountains and Backlit Haze Highlight Pluto as Never Seen Before

Spectacular imagery of huge regions of flowing ice, monumental mountain ranges and a breathtakingly backlit atmospheric haze showing Pluto as…

9 years ago