
Take A Look Beneath Jupiter’s Clouds

A new radio-telescope image of Jupiter has revealed the rising plumes of ammonia that help shape Jupiter's clouds.

9 years ago

Elon Musk Is Sending Humans To Mars In 2024

SpaceX founder Elon Musk has announced his ambitious plan to get humans to Mars by 2024.

9 years ago

The Hubble Constant Just Got Constantier

A team of astronomers using the Hubble telescope have found that the Universe is expanding more rapidly than thought.

9 years ago

Tutankhamun’s Meteorite Blade

The Egyptian boy-king's blade was made 600 years before Egypt had iron-smelting technology.

9 years ago

New ‘Einstein Ring’ Discovered By Dark Energy Camera

A rare object called an Einstein Ring has been discovered by a team in the Stellar Populations group at the…

9 years ago

Scientists Identify the Source of the Moon’s Water

Using lunar samples from the Apollo missions, scientists have determined that the majority of water inside the Moon was delivered…

9 years ago

Student Discovers Four New Planets

A student at the University of British Columbia has discovered four new exoplanets in Kepler data.

9 years ago

Work Efficiency Declines 75% On ISS As Facebook Arrives On Station

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will conduct a live chat with ISS astronauts today, and it will be streamed at NASA's…

9 years ago

Mars At Closest Point To Earth in 11 Years May 30, 2016

Mars is reaching its closest point to Earth in 11 years, and will be a delightful to amateur astronomers.

9 years ago

Hold On To Your Jaw. Pluto Extreme Close Up Best Yet

The latest release by the New Horizons mission - a photo mosaic of pictures taken during its flyby - provides…

9 years ago