
First Mirror Cast for the Giant Magellan Telescope

Workers at the University of Arizona Steward Observatory Mirror Lab have cast the first mirror for the Giant Magellan Telescope.…

19 years ago

Binocular Telescope Sees First Light

The massive Large Binocular Telescope, mounted atop Mount Graham in Arizona achieved a major milestone on October 12 with its…

19 years ago

Keck Can Turn Down Starlight to See Planetary Disks

The massive Keck Observatory at the top of Hawaii's Mauna Kea has learned a new trick: it can block the…

19 years ago

Giant South African Telescope Online

After 5 years of construction, the Southern African Large Telescope is now online, and has captured its first images -…

19 years ago

Space Telescope Could Unfold in Space

A clever new telescope design could allow engineers to pack larger folding space telescopes into smaller spaces on rockets, dramatically…

19 years ago

APEX Telescope Sees First Light

The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) achieved a new milestone this week when it made its first observations. APEX consists of…

19 years ago

Extremely Large Telescope Takes the Next Step

Bigger is better. When you're making a telescope, you want to construct the biggest mirror you can. The European consortium…

20 years ago

Podcast: Having a BLAST in the Arctic

If you're an astronomer and you want to escape the Earth's hazy atmosphere, you need a space telescope... right? Not…

20 years ago

Making the Mirror for the World’s Largest Telescope

Workers at the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory Mirror Lab have begun pre-firing one of the 8.4 metre mirror segments…

20 years ago

Capturing the Fastest Events in the Universe

A new high-speed camera has been mounted to the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile. This ultra fast…

20 years ago