Astronomers Find World’s Best Observing Site

Image of the Chinese Kunlun base, near "Ridge A"


The search for the best observatory site in the world has lead to the discovery of what is thought to be the coldest, driest, calmest place on Earth. No human is thought to have ever been there, but it’s expected to yield images of the heavens three times sharper than any ever taken from the ground.

The joint US-Australian research team combined data from satellites, ground stations and climate models to assess the many factors that affect the quality of an observing site – cloud cover, temperature, sky-brightness, water vapour, wind speeds and atmospheric turbulence.

The researchers pinpointed a site on an Antarctic plateau with the prosaic name “Ridge A”.  At an elevation of 4,053 m, the ridge is not only remote but extremely cold and dry. The study revealed that Ridge A has an average winter temperature of -70 °C, and that the water content of the entire atmosphere in a vertical column above the ridge is equivalent to a layer of liquid water less than the thickness of a human hair.

The ridge is also extremely calm, which means that there is very little of the atmospheric turbulence elsewhere that makes stars appear to twinkle. “It’s so calm that there’s almost no wind or weather there at all,” says Dr. Will Saunders of the Anglo-Australian Observatory and visiting professor to the University of New South Wales, who led the study.

“The astronomical images taken at Ridge A should be at least three times sharper than at the best sites currently used by astronomers,” says Dr. Saunders. “Because the sky there is so much darker and drier, it means that a modestly-sized telescope there would be as powerful as the largest telescopes anywhere else on earth.”

They found that the best place in almost all respects was not the highest point on the Plateau – called Dome A – but 150km away along a flat ridge.

“Ridge A looks to be significantly better than elsewhere on the Antarctic plateau and far superior to the best existing observatories on high mountain tops in Hawaii and Chile,” says Dr. Saunders.

Ridge A is located within the Australian Antarctic Territory (81.5 °S 73.5 ºE), the site is 144km from an international robotic observatory and the proposed new Chinese ‘Kunlun’ base at Dome A (80.37 °S 77.53 °E).

Interest in Antarctica as a site for astronomical and space observatories has accelerated since 2004 when astronomers published a paper in the journal Nature confirming that a ground-based telescope at Dome C, another Antarctic plateau site, could take images nearly as good as those from the space-based Hubble telescope.  A detailed study by the Anglo-Australian Observatory suggests the cost of building and running the 2.5 m telescope PILOT optical/infrared telescope at Dome C would be US$8.5 million.

The finding is published today in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

Source: University of New South Wales

Herschel Telescope First Light Images Released

SPIRE images of galaxy M74 at three different infrared wavelengths. Credits: ESA and the SPIRE Consortium

The Herschel telescope has now turned on all its instruments, taking a few “first light” images with each instrument of galaxies, star-forming regions and dying stars. Herschel astronomers said they were “staggered” by the results, saying “these observations show that Herschel’s instruments are working beyond expectations. They promise a mission of rich discoveries for waiting astronomers.” Above are images taken with Herschel’s Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE, of two galaxies, M66 and M74. The galaxies showed up prominently, providing astronomers with their best images yet at these wavelengths. And what’s that in the background? Other more distant galaxies!

SPIRE images of galaxy M74 at three different infrared wavelengths. Credits: ESA and the SPIRE Consortium
SPIRE images of galaxy M74 at three different infrared wavelengths. Credits: ESA and the SPIRE Consortium

Here are three images of M74 taken in three different wavelengths, and of special note is the image taken at 250 microns. This is longer than any previous infrared space observatory. Herschel’s primary mirror is 3.5 m in diameter, nearly four times larger than any previous infrared space telescope. So, expect more dazzling imagery and science to come.

Water in Cygnus

DR21 from the HIFI instrument. Credits: ESA and the HIFI Consortium
DR21 from the HIFI instrument. Credits: ESA and the HIFI Consortium

Scientists used Herschel’s Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI) to look for warm molecular gas heated by newborn massive stars in the DR21 star-forming region in Cygnus. They were able to observe ionized carbon, carbon monoxide, and water in this region.

HIFI provided excellent data in two different observing modes, returning information on the composition of the region with unprecedented accuracy and resolution. It works by ‘zooming in’ on specific wavelengths, revealing different spectral ‘lines’ that represent the fingerprints of atoms and molecules and even the physical conditions of the object observed. This makes it a powerful tool to study the role of gas and dust in the formation of stars and planets and the evolution of galaxies.

PACS stares into the Cat’s Eye

This panel shows an overlay of individual spectra of the nitrogen line, all taken simultaneously with the PACS spectrometer, on the dust continuum as observed with the PACS photometer.  Credits: ESA and the PACS Consortium
This panel shows an overlay of individual spectra of the nitrogen line, all taken simultaneously with the PACS spectrometer, on the dust continuum as observed with the PACS photometer. Credits: ESA and the PACS Consortium

The first observation with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) instrument shows the Cat’s Eye Nebula; a complex shell of gas thrown off by a dying star. Dying stars create spectacular nebulae, enriching the interstellar medium with heavy chemical elements. But how does an initially spherical star produce such a complex nebula? Further observations with PACS should help answer questions like that. This instrument makes it possible, for the first time, to take images in spectral lines and see how the wind from the star shapes the nebula in three dimensions.
PACS observed the nebula in two spectral lines from ionized nitrogen and oxygen. It also obtained a small map of the Cat’s Eye Nebula in the 70 micron band, revealing the structure of a dust ring with an opening on one side.

The Herschel instruments will now be tested and calibrated, and the official mission should start around the end of November. “These images demonstrate that there is a lot of science to look forward to,” the scientists said.

Sources: ESA, Herschel Twitter

A Top-Secret Explosion in M82

M82. The VLA image (top left) clearly shows the supernova (SN 2008iz). Credit: MPIfR

Supernovae are extremely luminous explosions of stars and cause bursts of radiation that often outshine an entire galaxy. So, when a supernova exploded last year in a nearby galaxy, why didn’t we see it? Was this an undercover supernova; a top-secret, covert event? Well, kind of. The secret is in the dust.

M82 is an irregular galaxy in a nearby galaxy group located 12 million lightyears from Earth. Despite being smaller than the Milky Way, it harbors a vigorous central starburst in the inner few hundred lightyears. In this stellar factory more stars are presently born than in the entire Milky Way. M82 is often called an ‘exploding galaxy’, because it looks as if being torn apart in optical and infrared images as the result of numerous supernova explosions from massive stars. Many remnants from previous supernovae are seen on radio images of M82 and a new supernova explosion was long overdue. For a quarter of century astronomers kept an eye on M82, hoping to catch a supernova in the act, but with no luck. Astronomers were starting to wonder why the galaxy has been so silent in recent years.

However, a recent explosion actually did occur in M82, and it was the closest supernova in the last five years. But the explosion was shrouded by gas and dust, leaving it invisible to our human eyes, and visible only in radio wavelengths. Astronomers say without the obscuration, this explosion would have been visible even with medium-sized amateur telescopes.

On April 9, 2009, Dr. Andreas Brunthaler from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy noticed something unusual in the data of M82 taken just the previous day with the Very Large Array (VLA) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in New Mexico, USA. “I then looked back into older data we had from March and May last year, and there it was as well, outshining the entire galaxy!” he said. Observations taken before 2008 showed neither pronounced radio nor X-ray emission at the position of this supernova.

The Very Large Array.  Credit: MPIfR
The Very Large Array. Credit: MPIfR

On the other hand, observations of M82 taken last year with optical telescopes to search for new supernovae showed no signs of this explosion. Furthermore, the supernova is hidden on ultraviolet and X-ray images. The supernova exploded close to the center of the galaxy in a very dense interstellar environment.
Astronomers began to realize they had perhaps found the clue to the mystery about the long silence of M82. Actually, it hasn’t been silent and perhaps many supernova events have occurred, and are something like “underground explosions”, where the bright flash of light is covered under huge clouds of gas and dust and only radio waves can penetrate this dense material. “This cosmic catastrophe shows that using our radio telescopes we have a front-row seat to observe the otherwise hidden universe”, said Prof. Heino Falcke from Radboud University.

Radio emission can be detected only from core collapse supernovae, where the core of a massive star collapses and produces a black hole or a neutron star. It is produced when the shock wave of the explosion propagates into dense material surrounding the star, usually material that was shed from the massive progenitor star before it exploded.

By combining data from the ten telescopes of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), the VLA, the Green Bank Telescope in the USA, and the Effelsberg 100m telescope in Germany, using the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), the team was able to produce images that show a ring-like structure expanding at more than 40 million km/h or 4% of the speed of light, typical for supernovae. “By extrapolating this expansion back in time, we can estimate the explosion date. Our current data indicate that the star exploded in late January or early February 2008,” said Brunthaler.

Only three months after the explosion, the ring was already 650 times larger than Earth’s orbit around the Sun. It takes the extremely sharp view of VLBI observations to resolve this structure which is as large as a 1 Euro coin seen from a distance of 13.000 km.

The asymmetric appearance of the supernova on the VLBI images indicates also that either the explosion was highly asymmetric or the surrounding material unevenly distributed. “Using the super sharp vision of VLBI we can follow the supernova expanding into the dense interstellar medium of M82 over the coming years and gain more insight on it and the explosion itself,” said Prof. Karl Menten, director at the MPIfR.

Discoveries like this supernova will be routine with the next generation of radio telescopes, such as the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) which is currently under construction in Europe, the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) in the USA, or the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA). These will have the capability to observe large parts of the sky continuously.

Lead image description: Zooming into the center of the galaxy M82, one of the nearest starburst galaxies at a distance of only 12 Million light years. The left image, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), shows the body of the galaxy in blue and hydrogen gas breaking out from the central starburst in red. The VLA image (top left) clearly shows the supernova (SN 2008iz), taken in May 2008. The high-resolution VLBI images (lower right) shows an expanding shell at the scale of a few light days and proves the transient source as the result of a supernova explosion in M82.
Graphics: Milde Science Communication, HST Image: /NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Radio Images: A. Brunthaler, MPIfR. (Click image for higher resolution).

Read the team’s paper here.

Source: Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy

Caltech Observatory Dismantled So Others Can Rise

Caltech has announced it will begin decommissioning the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in Hawaii starting in 2016.

Caltech says the 23-year-old telescope is being replaced by the next generation of radio telescope, the Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope (CCAT), to be located in Chile.

“The timing of this works very nicely,” says Tom Phillips, director of the CSO and Altair Professor of Physics in Caltech’s Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. “The international community of astronomers that rely on CSO will have a seamless transition as CCAT comes online just as CSO is decommissioned.”

Located near the summit of Mauna Kea, the CSO began operation in 1986.

The CSO’s 10-meter radio telescope was designed and assembled by a team led by Caltech’s Robert Leighton and is considered one of the easiest telescopes to use for astronomical observations.

Work at the CSO has led to the detection of heavy water on comets, which has helped determine the composition of comets. It has also led to the observation of “dusty” planets–which optical telescopes are often unable to see–allowing astronomers a better picture of a planet’s composition.

“The CSO has a distinguished history of scientific achievement in Hawaii,” says Caltech president Jean-Lou Chameau. “The work done there has led to important advances in astrophysics and made future observatories, such as the CCAT, possible.”

Phillips said it costs about $3 million a year to operate the CSO — an amount that will be better spent on the new telescope. Besides, he said, “Caltech is a world leading research facility and it is not supportive of any activity not satisfying that criterion. The CSO does that today, but it won’t by 2016.”

Caltech operates the CSO under a contract from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Its partners include the University of Texas and University of Hawaii. The observatory has been a host for many scientists worldwide. As part of its mission, observatory time is shared among University of Hawaii researchers, Caltech, the University of Texas, and international partners.

Eleven staff members currently work at the Hilo, Hawaii offices of the observatory while about eight staff members work at Caltech’s Pasadena campus.

When CCAT comes online in the next decade, it will be used to address some of the fundamental questions regarding the cosmos, including the origin of galaxies and early evolution of the universe; the formation of stars; and the history of planetary systems.

CCAT is a joint project of Cornell University, Caltech and its Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the University of Colorado, a Canadian consortium including the University of British Columbia and Waterloo University, a German consortium including the University of Cologne and the University of Bonn, and the United Kingdom through its Astronomy Technology Centre at Edinburgh. More than twice the size of the CSO, the 25-meter CCAT telescope will be located in the high Andes region of northern Chile.

Source: Caltech. The observatory website is here.

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14

The Herschel and Planck spacecraft. Credit: ESA

The European Space Agency announced today that the Herschel and Planck spacecraft will now launch on May 14. Liftoff had been delayed to allow time for additional checks on the Ariane 5 ECA launch vehicle. The two spacecraft are launching together in what was originally a cost saving move, but the complexity of preparing two spacecraft at once has caused frequent delays and cost overruns. However, now that the launch is near, hopefully the cutting-edge technologies included in both spacecraft will soon pay off in new discoveries astronomy and cosmology.

The Herschel Space Observatory’s primary mirror is the largest single mirror ever built for a space telescope. At 3.5-meters in diameter the mirror will collect long-wavelength radiation from some of the coldest and most distant objects in the Universe. The mirror is also a technological wonder: it uses 12 silicon carbide petals fused together into a single piece. Herschel will be the only space observatory to cover a spectral range from the far infrared to sub-millimeter.

Launch configuration for the Herschel and Planck spacecraft. Credit: ESA
Launch configuration for the Herschel and Planck spacecraft. Credit: ESA

Planck is designed to image the anisotropies of the Cosmic Background Radiation Field over the whole sky, with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. It will provide a major source of information relevant to several cosmological and astrophysical issues, such as testing theories of the early universe and the origin of cosmic structure.

The two satellites are being prepared for launch and recently were both fueled with hydrazine. Planck’s three-stage active cryogenic cooler, needed to keep the instruments at extremely cold temperatures, has been filled with helium-3 and helium-4. Herschel’s cryogenic tanks are also being filled with superfluid helium.
Herschel and Planck will liftoff from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana

Source: ESA

Next-Generation Telescope Gets Team

Artist's rendering of the Giant Magellan Telescope and support facilities at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, high in the Andes Mountains. Photo by Todd Mason/Mason Productions



Astronomy organizations in the United States, Australia and Korea have signed on to build the largest ground-based telescope in the world – unless another team gets there first. The Giant Magellan Telescope, or GMT, will have the resolving power of a single 24.5-meter (80-foot) primary mirror, which will make it three times more powerful than any of the Earth’s existing ground-based optical telescopes. Its domestic partners include the Carnegie Institution for Science, Harvard University, the Smithsonian Institution, Texas A & M University, the University of Arizona, and the University of Texas at Austin. Although the telescope has been in the works since 2003, the formal collaboration was announced Friday.

Charles Alcock, director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the Giant Magellan Telescope is being designed to build on the legacy of a rash of smaller telescopes from the 1990s in California, Hawaii and Arizona. The existing telescopes have mirrors in the range of six to 10 meters (18 to 32 feet), and – while they’re making great headway in the nearby universe – they’re only able to make out the largest planets around other stars and the most luminous distant galaxies.

With a much larger primary mirror, the GMT will be able to detect much smaller and fainter objects in the sky, opening a window to the most distant, and therefore the oldest, stars and galaxies. Formed within the first billion years of the Big Bang, such objects reveal tantalizing insight into the universe’s infancy.

Earlier this year, a different consortium including the California Institute of Technology and the University of California, with Canadian and Japanese institutions, unveiled its own next-generation concept: the Thirty Meter Telescope. Whereas the GMT’s 24.5-meter primary mirror will come from a collection of eight smaller mirrors, the TMT will combine 492 segments to achieve the power of a single 30-meter (98-foot) mirror design.

In addition, the European Extremely Large Telescope is in the concept stage.

In terms of science, Alcock acknowledged that the two telescopes with US participation are headed toward redundancy. The main differences, he said, are in the engineering arena.

“They’ll probably both work,” he said. But Alcock thinks the GMT is most exciting from a technological point of view. Each of the GMT’s seven 8.4-meter primary segments will weigh 20 tons, and the telescope enclosure has a height of about 200 feet. The GMT partners aim to complete their detailed design within two years.

The TMT’s segmented concept builds on technology pioneered at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, a past project of the Cal-Tech and University of California partnership.

Construction on the GMT is expected to begin in 2012 and completed in 2019, at Las Campanas Observatory in the Andes Mountains of Chile. The total cost is projected to be $700 million, with $130 million raised so far. 

Artists concept of the Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory. Credit: TMT
Artists concept of the Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory. Credit: TMT

Construction on the TMT could begin as early as 2011 with an estimated completion date of 2018. The telescope could go to Hawaii or Chile, and final site selection will be announced this summer. The total cost is estimated to be as high as $1 billion, with $300 million raised at last count.


Alcock said the next generation of telescopes is crucial for forward progress in 21st Century astronomy.

“The goal is to start discovering and characterizing planets that might harbor life,” he said. “It’s very clear that we’re going to need the next generation of telescopes to do that.”

And far from being a competition, the real race is to contribute to science, said Charles Blue, a TMT spokesman.

“All next generation observatories would really like to be up and running as soon as possible to meet the scientific demand,” he said.

In the shorter term, long distance space studies will get help from the James Webb Space Telescope, designed to replace the Hubble Space Telescope when it launches in 2013. And the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), a large interferometer being completed in Chile, could join the fore by 2012.

Sources: EurekAlert and interviews with Charles Alcock, Charles Blue

Astronomers ‘Time Travel’ to 16th Century Supernova

Tycho's Supernova Remnant. Credit: Spitzer, Chandra and Calar Alto Telescopes.

On November 11, 1572 Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe and other skywatchers observed what they thought was a new star. A bright object appeared in the constellation Cassiopeia, outshining even Venus, and it stayed there for several months until it faded from view. What Brahe actually saw was a supernova, a rare event where the violent death of a star sends out an extremely bright outburst of light and energy. The remains of this event can still be seen today as Tycho’s supernova remnant. Recently, a group of astronomers used the Subaru Telescope to attempt a type of time travel by observing the same light that Brahe saw back in the 16th century. They looked at ‘light echoes’ from the event in an effort to learn more about the ancient supernova.

A ‘light echo’ is light from the original supernova event that bounces off dust particles in surrounding interstellar clouds and reaches Earth many years after the direct light passes by; in this case, 436 years ago. This same team used similar methods to uncover the origin of supernova remnant Cassiopeia A in 2007. Lead project astronomer at Subaru, Dr. Tomonori Usuda, said “using light echoes in supernova remnants is time-traveling in a way, in that it allows us to go back hundreds of years to observe the first light from a supernova event. We got to relive a significant historical moment and see it as famed astronomer Tycho Brahe did hundreds of years ago. More importantly, we get to see how a supernova in our own galaxy behaves from its origin.”

The view of the light echoes from Tycho’s supernova. Credit: Subaru Telescope
The view of the light echoes from Tycho’s supernova. Credit: Subaru Telescope

On September 24, 2008, using the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS) instrument at Subaru, astronomers looked at the signatures of the light echoes to see the spectra that were present when Supernova 1572 exploded. They were able to obtain information about the nature of the original blast, and determine its origin and exact type, and relate that information to what we see from its remnant today. They also studied the explosion mechanism.

What they discovered is that Supernova 1572 was very typical of a Type Ia supernova. In comparing this supernova with other Type Ia supernovae outside our galaxy, they were able to show that Tycho’s supernova belongs to the majority class of Normal Type Ia, and, therefore, is now the first confirmed and precisely classified supernova in our galaxy.

This finding is significant because Type Ia supernovae are the primary source of heavy elements in the Universe, and play an important role as cosmological distance indicators, serving as ‘standard candles’ because the level of the luminosity is always the same for this type of supernova.

For Type Ia supernovae, a white dwarf star in a close binary system is the typical source, and as the gas of the companion star accumulates onto the white dwarf, the white dwarf is progressively compressed, and eventually sets off a runaway nuclear reaction inside that eventually leads to a cataclysmic supernova outburst. However, as Type Ia supernovae with luminosity brighter/fainter than standard ones have been reported recently, the understanding of the supernova outburst mechanism has come under debate. In order to explain the diversity of the Type Ia supernovae, the Subaru team studied the outburst mechanisms in detail.

This observational study at Subaru established how light echoes can be used in a spectroscopic manner to study supernovae outburst that occurred hundreds of years ago. The light echoes, when observed at different position angles from the source, enabled the team to look at the supernova in a three dimensional view. This study indicated Tycho’s supernova was an aspherical/nonsymmetrical explostion. For the future, this 3D aspect will accelerate the study of the outburst mechanism of supernova based on their spatial structure, which, to date, has been impossible with distant supernovae in galaxies outside the Milky Way.

The results of this study appear in the 4 December 2008 issue of the science journal Nature.

Source: Subaru Telescope

Holiday Glitter With Omega Centauri

Omega Centauri. Credit: ESO

A new image of Omega Centauri shows the globular cluster glittering away as one of the finest jewels of the southern hemisphere night sky. It contains millions of stars and is located about 17,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus, and sparkles at magnitude 3.7, appearing nearly as large as the full moon on the southern night sky. Visible with the unaided eye from a clear, dark observing site, when seen through even a modest amateur telescope, the Omega Centauri can be seen as incredible, densely packed sphere of glittering stars. But when astronomers use a professional telescopes, they are able to uncover amazing secrets of this beautiful globular cluster.

This new image is based on data collected with the Wide Field Imager (WFI), mounted on the 2.2-metre diameter Max-Planck/ESO telescope, located at ESO’s La Silla observatory, high up in the arid mountains of the southern Atacama Desert in Chile. Omega Centauri is about 150 light-years across and is the most massive of all the Milky Way’s globular clusters. It is thought to contain some ten million stars!

Recent research into this intriguing celestial giant suggests that there is a medium sized black hole sitting at its center. Observations made with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gemini Observatory showed that stars at the cluster’s center were moving around at an unusual rate — the cause, astronomers concluded, was the gravitational effect of a massive black hole with a mass of roughly 40,000 times that of the Sun.

The presence of this black hole is just one of the reasons why some astronomers suspect Omega Centauri to be an imposter. Some believe that it is in fact the heart of a dwarf galaxy that was largely destroyed in an encounter with the Milky Way. Other evidence (see here and here) points to the several generations of stars present in the cluster — something unexpected in a typical globular cluster, which is thought to contain only stars formed at one time. Whatever the truth, this dazzling celestial object provides professional and amateur astronomers alike with an incredible view on clear dark nights.

Source: ESO

Sources of Earth-Bombarding Cosmic Rays May Have Been Located

The cosmic ray hot spots were identified in the two red-colored regions near the constellation Orion. Courtesy John Pretz, LANL

Last week’s announcement of a puzzling and unknown source of high energy cosmic rays bombarding the Earth is now joined by another discovery of two sources of unexpected cosmic rays from nearby regions of space. A Los Alamos National Laboratory cosmic-ray observatory has seen for the first time two distinct hot spots that appear to be bombarding Earth with an excess of cosmic rays. “These two results may be due to the same, or different, astrophysical phenomenon, said Jordan Goodman, principal investigator for the Milagro observatory, commenting on last week’s announcement by the ATIC experiment and the new discovery by his team. “However, they both suggest the presence of high-energy particle acceleration in the vicinity of the earth. Our new findings point to general locations for the localized excesses of cosmic-ray protons.” The cosmic rays appear to originate from an area in the sky near the constellation Orion.

Researchers used Los Alamos’ Milagro cosmic-ray observatory to peer into the sky above the northern hemisphere for nearly seven years starting in July 2000. The observatory is unique in that it monitors the entire sky above the northern hemisphere. Because of its design and field of view, Milagro was able to record over 200 billion cosmic-ray collisions with the Earth’s atmosphere.

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that move through our Galaxy from sources far away. No one knows exactly where cosmic rays come from, but scientists theorize they might originate from supernovae—massive stars that explode— from quasars or perhaps from other exotic, less-understood or yet-to-be-discovered sources within the universe.

“Our observatory is unique in that we can detect events of low enough energies that we were able to record enough cosmic-ray encounters to see a statistically significant fractional excess coming from two distinct regions of the sky,” said collaborator Brenda Dingus.

Because Milagro was able to record so many cosmic-ray events, researchers for the first time were able to see statistical peaks in the number of cosmic-ray events originating from specific regions of the sky near the constellation Orion. The region with the highest hot spot of cosmic rays is a concentrated bulls eye above and to the right visually of Orion, near the constellation Taurus. The other hot spot is a comma-shaped region visually occurring near the constellation Gemini.

But the researchers cannot be sure they have precisely located the sources of the cosmic rays. “Whatever the source of the protons we observed with Milagro, their path to Earth is deflected by the magnetic field of the Milky Way so that we cannot directly tell exactly where they originate,” said Goodman. “And whether the regions of excess seen by Milagro actually point to a source of cosmic rays, or are the result of some other unknown nearby effect is an important question raised by our observations.”

A new, second-generation cosmic ray observatory has been proposed, which may be able to solve the mystery of the origin of cosmic rays. The experiment, named the High Altitude Water Cherenkov experiment (HAWC), would be built at a high-altitude site in Mexico.

Sources: UMD, Science Daily

Asteroseismology: Observing Stars Vibrate with CoRoT

Modes of solar oscillation plotted over our Sun. Could the same things be done with other stars? (NASA/TRACE/NCAR)

[/caption]Observing a stars brightness pulsate may reveal its internal structure say researchers using the Convection Rotation and Planetary Transits (CoRoT) observatory. The highly sensitive orbital telescope can detect tiny variations in a distant star’s brightness, leading astronomers into a new field of stellar seismology called “asteroseismology.”

Seismology is more commonly used by scientists on Earth to see how waves travel through the terrestrial crust, thereby revealing the structure of the material below us. Even solar physicists use the method of helioseismology to understand the interior of our Sun by observing its wobble. Now, by observing the slight changes in stellar brightness, it is possible to remotely probe deep into the inner workings of a distant star…

CoRoT is a joint French Space Agency (CNES) and European Space Agency (ESA) mission to detect slight variations in the brightness of stars launched in 2006. As extrasolar planets pass in front of (or “transit”) a star, the brightness will decrease. The highly sensitive 27 cm-diameter telescope and spectroscopic instrumentation has the ability of detecting extrasolar rocky planets a few times the size of Earth and new gas giants (a.k.a. Hot Jupiters).

Another mission objective for the 630 kg satellite is to detect luminosity variations associated with acoustic pulsations passing through the body of the star. A similar method known as helioseismology uses the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) to detect the propagation of pressure waves through the Sun so a better idea of solar internal dynamics and structure can be gained.

CoRoT has been watching three stars, 20-40% more massive than the Sun, vibrate in reaction to the convective processes on the stellar surfaces. Some areas will expand and cool, whilst others with contract and heat up. This creates an oscillation, and a pulsation in brightness, providing information about the inner structure of these distant stars. The three stars brightened and dimmed 1.5 times more dramatically than solar helioseismology observations. However, this is still 25% weaker than expected from theory, so it would seem stellar physics still has a long way to go.

This really marks the start of a completely new era of space-based asteroseismology,” said Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard of the University of Aarhus in Denmark. “It shows that CoRoT can do what it set out to do.”

Asteroseismology can also be used to gauge the precise age of a star. Usually, the age of a star is determined by looking at a star cluster where it is assumed the majority of the stars are of a similar age. However, as a star ages, different elements undergo nuclear fusion at different times. This alters the star’s interior structure and therefore alters the vibrational characteristics of the star. This can be detected by CoRoT, hopefully aiding astronomers when deducing the precise ago of a particular star.

In principle, you can look at one star all on its own and determine how old it is,” adds Michael Montgomery of the University of Texas.

Source: New Scientist