The Ultimate Fund-Raising Scheme: Transmit Adverts To Aliens


OK, so there have been some strange things going on between us Earthlings and aliens lately. The deep-space Pioneer and Voyager probes carried images and artefacts of our culture into the cosmos decades ago. This plan has now been upstaged by the Deep Space Network transmitting a Beatles tune in the direction of the star Polaris. Both are different methods in an attempt to achieve the same thing – to contact alien civilizations. Extraterrestrials might even be trying to communicate with us by playing around with stars or blasting neutrinos at us

But, in the next episode of this epic saga, as the human race feels more and more alone in a seemingly lifeless, but expanding universe… [breakthis programme will be continued after a message from our sponsors]

Advertising is everywhere. It comes in many shapes and sizes, and in many forms. I just deleted four pieces of spam in my email account (one trying to sell me non-prescription pain killers, one notifying me that I have won the Russian lotto and another two with subjects I’d rather not repeat), I can hear an ad on the radio chatter (something about double-glazed windows), on my desk I can count ten magazine ads, newspaper classified ads, business cards and logos, all set out to do pretty much the same thing: to sell a product and, ultimately, to make money. Advertising is so embedded into our commercial society, it can be difficult to work out what is advertising and what isn’t.

Now it seems there is another kind of advertising on the horizon: Space Spam.

As UK physics and astronomy researchers have experienced recently, the problem with scientific research is that it mainly depends on government funding. Government funding comes and goes and can depend on who is in power and who isn’t. To avoid this, many researchers leave academia in search of better pay in industry. There is nothing wrong with this choice, but often academic institutions and universities lose their top minds to better financial conditions elsewhere.

In an attempt to save the beleaguered astronomy community in the UK, astronomers have come up with an intriguing idea. To rescue the world famous Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, astronomers intend to transmit adverts into space. This is truly the final frontier for terrestrial advertising, but is it possible that British scientists have finally lost their marbles? How can we expect alien races to pay attention to our attempts at selling them Nacho Cheese Doritos? If they did buy our products, I wouldn’t want to be in charge of the shipping department…

But there is a very serious reason for this off-beat plan. The UK is currently undergoing a funding crisis as the main funding body for UK physics and astronomy struggles to fill a £80 million ($160 million) hole in their finances. No help has been offered by the British government. This new fund-raising scheme is already attracting a lot of attention. The snack manufacturer Doritos has stepped in, donating an undisclosed sum in exchange for transmitting their ad. Many more companies are expected to follow suit. The publicity from helping out struggling observatories seems to be enough for big companies wanting to get involved (after all, they won’t be expecting extraterrestrial orders for at least 84 years).
The incoherent scatter radar facility (EISCAT) on Svalbard in 2002 (credit: Ian O'Neill)
The signal will be sent to the Ursa Major constellation some 42 light years away by the European Incoherent Scatter Radar System (EISCAT) in Svalbard, located in the High Arctic. EISCAT is more commonly used to measure emissions from the aurora and ionospheric dynamics. It can also be used in conjunction with other EISCAT installations in Sweden and mainland Norway to track the velocity and composition of the solar wind. Now, it seems, the powerful radar transmitter will be used to shoot commercials into space.

The first transmission will be 30 seconds long and members of the public will be invited to participate. TV advertising will also be aired in support of the project. If anyone thought UK researchers were going to stay quiet and accept the latest round of financial turmoil, they’d be wrong. Scientists and the public, backed up by advertising revenue, are about to make a very big noise.

If the Beatles tune didn’t agitate the aliens, an enforced ad break probably will, let’s just hope they are sympathetic to the UK funding crisis (and want to make a donation).

Source:, Jodrell Bank Observatory press release

UK Reinstated as Full Member of Gemini Project

It is official: the UK is back as a full member of the Gemini Observatory international partnership. At the beginning of the month, The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) signalled that the UK would partially return to the project after January’s shock announcement that Britain was going to pull all its financial support out of the observatory. Today, the STFC has reinstated the UK as a full member of the Gemini Project. What a rollercoaster ride…

An official joint statement from the Gemini partners reads:

“The Science and Technology Facilities Council has reaffirmed the UK’s position as a full member of the Partnership under the terms of the current Gemini Agreement. The Gemini Board welcomes this statement. The Board acknowledges the STFC’s need to address its budgetary constraints and notes that, under the terms of the Agreement, the UK is entitled to seek to sell some of its telescope time both within the partnership and, subject to the approval of the Board, outside the current partnership.”

This is obviously welcomed news, but the astronomers who were outraged by the initial withdrawal are frustrated as to why selling telescope time wasn’t an option in the first place. Allowing other groups (inside and possibly outside the partnership) to buy campaign time on Gemini is a far better solution to the STFC funding crisis. Wasting the money already invested in the project (over £70 million to develop the project alone) and pulling out entirely seemed a very extreme measure, prompting some UK astronomers to say the UK astronomy community was being “sabotaged”.

This debacle resonated with the other partners of Gemini (including the US, Canada, Chile, Australia, Brazil and Argentina) who responded angrily to the news that the UK was suddenly withdrawing funding (understandable really). Any mention of the UK was quickly removed from the Gemini observatory locations and the official website.

Today’s announcement has reinstated the UK as a full partner once more to the Gemini project. According to a source, the UK flag has even been returned to the Gemini Northern Operations Center in Hilo, Hawaii.

But there is still a problem. The situation has not changed, the STFC still has to plug its funding deficit, and government assistance is still not forthcoming. There are concerns for other UK physics and astronomy projects, as the £15 million ($30 million) savings from cancelling involvement in Gemini will need to be cut from elsewhere.

It would appear that the outrage caused by the STFC’s initial plans to cancel its subscription to Gemini was instrumental in the funding decision U-turn, so the UK physics and astronomy community will have to fight just as hard when more cutbacks are announced in the future. Keep an eye on the STFC Funding Crisis: Astronomy website for updated news on the problems facing physics and astronomy in the UK.

In case you missed the Universe Today coverage of the funding crisis:

Source: Gemini Observatory

Listening to the Universe from the Far Side of the Moon


Perhaps one of the best reasons to return to the Moon will be the boon to astronomy. Without an atmosphere, an observatory the Moon won’t have to peer through an obscuring atmosphere, but people will still be able to walk over and fix it – and even upgrade it – into the future. It’s the best of both worlds. It’s no surprise then, that engineers are working on plans for lunar observatories. When the next wave of astronauts return to the Moon, they’ll be bringing their ‘scopes.

NASA recently selected a series of 19 proposals for lunar observatories, including one suggested by a team from MIT. This observatory would help astronomers study the “Dark Ages” of the Universe, when the first stars and galaxies, and even dark matter formed.

During the first billion years after the Big Bang, there were no stars and galaxies, only opaque hot gas. When the first stars could finally form, their radiation helped ionize this gas and make it transparent. You could finally see in the Universe. It was also in this time that the mysterious dark matter formed from the soup of elementary particles, serving as a gravitational structure for matter to clump around.

The MIT proposal is called the Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology, and it’s headed by Jacqueline Hewitt, a professor of physics and director of MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science.

It would consist of hundreds of telescope modules spread over a 2 square km area designed to pick up very-low-frequency radio emissions. Automated vehicles would crawl across the lunar surface deploying the telescopes.

The time of the Dark Ages is impossible to view from Earth because of interference from our high atmosphere as well as the background radio emissions coming from all directions. But the far side of the Moon is shielded from the Earth’s radio barrage. There it would have a clear, quiet view of the most distant Universe.

There’s another advantage with building a long-wavelength radio telescope on the complicated surface of the Moon; it’s much easier than building a fragile mirror for an optical telescope. The low wavelength radio waves don’t require a high degree of accuracy, so it will be a good test for working on surface of the Moon. Even if some of the individual modules aren’t working, or clogged with lunar dust, the full observatory will still be able to collect data.

The telescope would also be used to study coronal mass ejections coming from the Sun, and accurately measure the space weather passing through the Earth-Moon system. This is what the astronauts will use to check their local weather.

MIT will be working on a one-year study to develop a further plan for the array. If it’s actually chosen for development down the road, construction would begin after 2025 at a cost of more than $1 billion.

Original Source: MIT News Release

Real-Time Solar Storm Warning Now Operational, Protecting Astronauts and Satellites


Highly energetic solar particles are generated by solar flares and can be harmful to astronauts and sensitive satellite circuits. Solar flares are most likely to occur during periods of heightened solar activity (i.e. during solar maximum at the peak of the 11 year solar cycle), and future manned missions will need to be highly cautious not to be unprotected in space at these times. Many attempts are underway at forecasting solar activity so “solar storms” can be predicted, but a form of early warning system is required to allow time for astronauts to seek cover and satellites put in a low-power state. Now, using the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), scientists are testing a new method of detecting high energy solar ions, in real-time.

Using SOHO as an early warning system isn’t a new idea. Ideally positioned at the Sun-Earth First Lagrange Point (L1), SOHO orbits its little island of gravitational stability in direct line of sight to the Sun, 1.5 million km from the Earth. Anything that comes from the Sun will have to pass through the L1 point, firing through any robotic observers positioned there.

SOHO is in good company. Also positioned at the L1point is the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) that takes measurements of the solar wind as solar particles continue their way toward the Earth. However, the advanced instrumentation on SOHO allows it to detect very fast electrons (near-relativistic) as they are generated by the Sun. The Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer (COSTEP) instrument onboard SOHO has provided data about highly energetic particles since 1995, but it’s never been in real-time. Now, using a new technique, solar scientists are able to receive particle data with an hour warning of an impending storm of energetic ions.
Fast electrons are received first, damaging high energy ions follow (credit: Southwest Research Institute)
When a flare explodes via magnetic interactions on the Sun, electrons and ions are accelerated and burst into space. Travelling at high speed, electrons reach SOHO much quicker than the heavier ions. What’s more, the relativistic electrons are harmless, so they provide an ideal, safe, indicator that the damaging ions are following behind.

The forecasting method was developed eight months ago by Dr Arik Posner (Southwest Research Institute, USA) and scientists from the University of Kiel (Germany), NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (USA) and the University of Turku (Finland). Oliver Rother from the University of Kiel has seen the potential for the new real-time system and explains, “We were so excited by Posner’s project that we immediately teamed up and developed new software that displays the data and can give a warning three minutes after taking the measurements 1.5 million km away.”

This is obviously good news for any astronaut in Earth orbit, but generally they are protected from intermediate solar storms as they are within the protective shield of the magnetosphere. This system will be most useful for the future colonists of the Moon and any long-haul manned missions to Mars. It may only be an hours warning, but that hour could make all the difference between mission success and mission failure.


Cautious Welcome for UK Research Council U-Turn on Gemini Observatory Funding

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) appear to have given UK astronomers a temporary reprieve over their access to the Gemini Observatories in Chile and Hawaii. As previously reported on the Universe Today, UK astronomers were stunned at the decision to totally pull out from the international collaboration with one of the worlds most advanced telescope systems. It now appears that the STFC is reinstating the British share in the project by negotiating a reduction in funding, rather than negotiating its withdrawal from the project.

Last month, the council responsible for the UK’s funding of astronomical and physics research announced that the country would be pulling out of the highly successful Gemini Observatory project. The reason? To help plug the £80 million ($160 million) hole in their finances. After calls to the British government for financial aid fell on deaf ears, drastic measures to cut the £4 million ($8 million) per year investment to the project seemed like one of the options open to them. Reaction to the news led to speculation from some academics that UK astronomy was being “deliberately sabotaged”.

STFC funding cuts have proved highly unpopular since it inherited the debt from the two previous councils (the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council – PPARC – and Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils – CCLRC) the STFC was merged from in April 2007. Many UK scientists are bemused by the cutbacks, blaming hugely expensive projects (such as the Diamond Synchrotron in Oxfordshire) for going over budget. There is the prediction that the UK may have some of the finest research facilities in the world, but due to job cutbacks from the funding deficits, there will be nobody to carry out the research. Some scientists have even highlighted recent cutbacks by campaigning for change to the STFC and government funding of research councils.

Although the STFC has altered its position on Gemini funding, astronomers remain cautious as discussions continue over the future of British involvement. For now, the UK will be involved in cutting edge astronomy research till the summer at least. Beyond that, some cutbacks seem ominous, but at least the “hasty” decision to pull out of the project has been revoked for the time being.

Source: BBC

Observatory Installed on the Coldest, Driest Place on Earth

If you can’t afford to send a telescope to space, you’ll want the next best thing; a location on Earth which is cold, dry and at a high altitude. Perhaps the best place on Earth is “Dome A”, a high altitude region in Antarctica – the coldest and driest place on Earth. A team of astronomers recently climbed the summit of Dome A, and installed a new robotic observatory that should see some amazingly clear skies.

The team of scientists that made the journey represents 6 international institutions, including Texas A&M University and the Polar Research Institute of China. They arrived at Dome A on January 11th, in the middle of the southern Summer, and completed the facility installation on Saturday.

The installation is called the PLATeau Observatory, or PLATO, and was built by the University of New South Wales in Australia. PLATO is equipped with a suite of instruments that will let it measure the quality of the conditions, to confirm that it really has the best seeing on Earth. But if the calculations are correct, a 2 metre telescope here would be the equivalent of an 8-metre telescope built somewhere else. And an 8-metre telescope would rival the 30-metre supertelescopes in the works at various locations around the world.

One of the most important instruments is a set of four telescopes built at Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing. These are 4 telescopes with 14.5-centimetre apertures. Each one is equipped with a different filter to view the night sky at a different color or wavelength.

The facility is powered by six diesel engines that use aviation fuel in the Winter, and then it switches over to solar energy in the Summer. It will be completely autonomous, operated remotely over the low-bandwidth Iridium satellite service. Workers will then pick up the bulk of its research at the annual servicing visits.

Even in the dead of Winter, where temperatures plunge to -82 degrees Celsius, the facility will be working away gathering images. That’s because the weather around Dome A is very calm and stable. You don’t get the ferocious storms here that you see in other parts of Antarctica. It’s just cold and calm.

With PLATO installed, the team turned around and left the region on a convey of snow tractors. They’ll travel non-stop for 18 days to the coast of Antarctica, and then back to civilization.

Original Source: Texas A&M University News Release

UK Astronomy Community “Deliberately Sabotaged” By Funding Cuts To Gemini Observatories

UK astronomers have been dealt a serious and unexpected blow. Funding cuts to space research has stopped the nation from continuing its work at the Gemini observatories in Hawaii and Chile. The UK helped to build the 8.1 meter telescopes and have ploughed £70 million ($140 million) to date into the construction and development of the sites since the late 1990’s. In an effort to plug a £80 million ($160 million) deficit in space research funding, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) has signalled to researchers that the UK will be pulling out of the project, leaving astronomers bemused and angry.

Next month, the UK’s involvement in the multi-national Gemini project will end. After a decade of construction and research, the world’s most advanced telescopes will lose one of their most influential donors as the STFC has declared the British involvement in the project surplus to the government’s vision for the future of UK science. This decision will leave the US, Canada, Chile, Australia, Brazil and Argentina to continue astronomy without their 23.8% shareholder. The move has bewildered astronomers as the Gemini project is considered to be one of the most successful international collaborations in recent years, allowing the seven nation “science club” to observe both hemispheres’ night sky with unparalleled clarity.

To withdraw from the state-of-the-art Gemini facilities leaves the UK ground-based astronomy strategy in disarray – some would say deliberately sabotaged.” – Professor Paul Crowther, Sheffield University, UK.

This move by the STFC highlights the recent turbulence in physics funding. After the merger of two of the largest research councils in the UK, the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) and the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC), the STFC was formed and inherited the unenviable task to find the money to cover the research funding deficit. New prestige facilities such as the Diamond Synchrotron, in Oxfordshire, are over-budget and the shortfall has to be found elsewhere. Requests have been made to the UK government for more funds, but the request has fallen on deaf ears. International research has therefore suffered, with more cuts in astronomy, particle physics and laser optics forecast. Jobs will be lost and the prediction is that the UK will have some of the most advanced physics research centers, but with no scientists to do the research.

The Gemini project is just one of the recent casualties during these dim times for UK physics. A campaign website outlining all the recent cutbacks by the STFC funding crisis has been set up to bring attention to the spiralling problem. The banner reads: “International Year Of Astronomy, 2009 (unless you’re from the UK*). The Universe – Yours To Discover. *All we could afford was this logo.” – STFC Funding Crisis: Astronomy.

Worrying times for the UK, and international physics as a whole.

Sources: BBC website

Flying Telescope Passes Its First Stage of Tests


Telescopes on the ground – while having all sorts of good qualities – have the disadvantage of peering through the whole of the atmosphere when looking at the stars. Space-based telescopes like Hubble are an effective way around this, but launching a telescope into space and maintaining it is not exactly cheap. What about something in between the two?

This is where SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) flies in. SOFIA is a converted 747SP airliner that used to carry passengers for United Airlines and Pan Am, but now only has one voyager: an infrared telescope.

SOFIA recently completed the first phase of flight tests to determine its structural integrity, aerodynamics and handling abilities. This first series of tests were done with the door through which the telescope will peer closed, and open-door testing will begin in late 2008.

What makes SOFIA valuable is its ability to fly high in the stratosphere for observations, at around 41,000 feet (12.5km). This eliminates the atmosphere in between the ground and space, which causes turbulence in the light coming through, and also absorbs almost completely some wavelengths of infrared light.

Cloudy nights, normally the bane of observational astronomy, will not impede the ability of SOFIA. Other advantages are that scientists will be able to add specialized observing instruments for specific observations, and fly to anywhere in the world.

The telescope is 10 feet across, and weighs around 19 tons. It will look through a 16-foot high door in the fuselage to study planetary atmospheres, star formation and comets in the infrared spectrum.

During this stage of testing, the ability of the telescope to compensate for the motion and vibrations of the airplane was checked. After the first open-door tests are run this year, the mobile observatory will begin making observations in 2009, and will be completely operational in 2014.

SOFIA is a cooperation between NASA, who will maintain the plane, and the German Aerospace Center, who built and will maintain the telescope.

Source: NASA Press Release

New Images from the Ground are Better Than Hubble


As telescopes go, Hubble isn’t actually that large; it’s only 2.4 metres. But it has a huge advantage over the much larger ground-based observatories: it’s up in space, high above the distortions of the Earth’s atmosphere. But astronomers have developed techniques to overcome the atmospheric blurring, creating some of the most detailed images ever seen from the Earth.

One technique to overcome atmospheric distortion is called adaptive optics. With this system, an artificial guide star is projected into the sky with a laser. A computer watches how the artificial star is distorted by the atmosphere, and then warps portions of the mirror many times a second to counteract these distortions. Unfortunately, this technique only works really well in the infrared spectrum.

But a new camera system has been developed to bring this power to the visible spectrum as well. The “Lucky Camera” works by recording partially corrected images taken using the adaptive optics system at very high speed, capturing more than 20 frames a second. Most of these images are still smeared by the atmosphere, but the occasional one is crisp and clear and unblurred. The software can recognize these clear ones, and keeps them to later assemble into a single, sharp image.

Using this software on the 5.1 metre Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain, astronomers were able to achieve images with twice the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope. Previously, it was 10 times worse.

It captured images of the globular star cluster M13, located 25,000 light-years away, and astronomers were able to separate stars that were only one light-day apart. It also showed incredibly fine detail on the Cat’s Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), revealing filaments which are only a few light-hours across.

Just imagine what will be possible when this technology comes to the even larger Keck II and Very Large Telescopes; not to mention the incredible possibilities with the upcoming 30-metre class telescopes still in the planning stages.

You can see a page describing all the different images, which shows comparisons between the pre- and post-LuckyCam technique. There’s also a good comparison between Hubble and Palomar with adaptive optics and LuckyCam.

Original Source: Caltech News Release

The Clear Skies Above Paranal


If you ever wondered why telescopes are perched atop the highest mountains, with the clearest skies, just check out this picture. That’s the night sky above the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, located atop Paranal, a 2,600 metre (8,500 foot) mountain in Chile’s Atacama Desert. The photograph was taken by ESO astronomer Yuri Beletsky.

Here’s the cool thing. It’s a single image. The camera was tracking the stars, which is why they look so crisp, while the telescope domes look a little blurry.

The most striking part of the image is, of course, the wide band of stars in the Milky Way. It spans across 100 degrees of the sky. There are two brighter objects in the image as well. The larger, brighter object is Jupiter. You can make out that it has a planetary disk in the photograph. The other is the star Alpha Centauri (one of the closest stars to the Sun).

The beam stretching into the sky is part of the telescope’s adaptive optics system. It creates an artificial star in the sky above the observatory, which a sophisticated computer can use to calculate the amount of atmospheric distortion above the telescope. The telescope’s mirror is then distorted in real time to counteract the effects of the Earth’s atmosphere. It’s like having a space telescope without needing to actually head out into space.

Great picture Yuri!

Here are some past articles about adaptive optics system:

Original Source:ESO news Release