Water Vapour Discovered in an Extrasolar Planet


Scientists have reported the first conclusive evidence of water vapour in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet. Before we load up the spaceships to search for life, however, consider the fact that this planet, HD 189733b, is larger than Jupiter, and orbits its parent star in just 2.2 days. That’s hot hot water.

The discovery was made using the mighty Spitzer space telescope. The astronomers pointed Spitzer at the parent star, and measured the chemical consistency of its light as the planet passed in front – aka, transited. As the starlight dimmed – blocked by the planet – the chemical constituents of the star changed to show a distinctive pattern. Astronomers know that only water can absorb these specific wavelengths of infrared radiation.

As I mentioned above, this planet is certainly a “hot Jupiter”. It contains 1.15 the mass of Jupiter (and 1.25 the diameter), but it orbits its parent star at a distance of only 4.5 million km. In comparison, our own Mercury is a distant 70 million km from the Sun.

It’s close, so it’s hot. Its atmospheric temperature is about 1000 Kelvin (more than 700 C). With this heat, all the water vapour in its atmosphere can’t condense, rain or form clouds.

It’s also tidally locked to its parent star, only showing one face to the star at all times (like the Moon and the Earth). This constant facing probably generates fierce winds that sweep around the planet from the day side to the night side.

Like I said, not the best place to find life, but still, an amazing discovery.

Original Source:ESA News Release

New Rocket Could Launch Really Big Telescopes


If you’ve got a really big rocket, what should you use it for? If you’re an astronomer, you’ll want it used to launch really big telescopes; observatories that would dwarf the Hubble Space Telescope.

NASA’s new Ares V launcher, is being developed as part of the Vision for Space Exploration. Once completed, this mighty launcher will deliver cargo all the way to the Moon. In fact, it’ll be capable of launching 8% more weight than the Saturn V rockets that put humans on the Moon during the Apollo missions.

Philip Stahl, an engineer at NASA’s Marchall Space Flight Center thinks it should also be used to launch gigantic telescopes. How big? According to Stahl, Ares could loft a telescope with a primary mirror 8+ metres across. This would provide a telescope that could see objects 3 times sharper than Hubble, but more important, it could see objects 11 times fainter.

The main telescope could be launched by Ares V, and follow on missions by smaller rockets could send up new scientific instruments that attach to the end of the mirror. In this way, the observatory could be used for 50 years, just like an Earth-based telescope.

Original Source: NASA

Plans for a Liquid Lunar Telescope


NASA-funded researchers are working on a clever technology that could deploy a gigantic telescope made from rotating liquid… on the Moon! It sounds like science fiction, but they’ve gotten smaller prototypes to work, and the technology should work even better on the lower lunar gravity.

Here’s how it works. Astronauts would deliver the observatory (all folded up) to the Moon during one of their upcoming “return to the Moon” missions. It would unfold into the shape of a telescope mirror made of mesh. The astronauts then pour a reflective liquid onto the mesh. The mesh rotates coating the entire surface in the liquid. Don’t worry about the liquid dripping through the mesh, it actually gets held in place by surface tension.

As telescopes go, this would be a whopper. The current plans call for a 20-metre mirror, but it could theoretically get as big as 100-metres across. This would provide 1000 times the observing power as the James Webb Space Telescope, which still won’t launch for a few more years. That gives it the power to look right back to the very edge of the observable Universe, and see the first generations of stars forming.

Now there’s a reason to send humans back to the Moon.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Telescope Under the Ice in Antarctica


If you think you need to install a telescope on a mountaintop, or even above the surface of the Earth, think again. A new telescope currently being installed near the South Pole has detectors more than 2 kilometres under the surface of the Antarctic ice cap. For the neutrinos it’s searching for, that much ice is the same as nothing at all.

Neutrinos are illusive particles generated by the fusion reactions in the Sun and other cosmic events. They barely interact with normally matter, passing right through like it’s complete vacuum. Only in the rarest occasions will a neutrino collide directly normal matter, releasing a torrent of subparticles and radiation.

Once completed, the IceCube observatory will consist of detectors arranged in a 1 kilometre cubic array frozen underneath the surface of the Antarctic ice cap. Construction is currently into its 3rd year, with more than 20 institutions participating. The final instrument will consist of more than 70 strings, each containing more than 60 optical detectors frozen into the ice.

When operational, IceCube will be able to detect neutrinos from the Sun, as well as some of the most catastrophic events in the Universe, such as a supernova or black hole. The neutrinos will interact with particles of ice within the array, and produce a cascade of particles that will produce a flash of light captured by the optical detectors.

The full construction is going to take another 3-4 years, but the array is already operational, and gathering scientific results.

Original Source: University of Delaware News Release

Sensitive Gemini Instrument Damaged


A key scientific instrument attached to the Gemini South observatory was damaged in late April when a malfunctioning heater raised its temperature to 200-degrees Celsius. It was never meant to withstand temperatures this high, and will be out of commission for several months while technicians make repairs.

The device is called Gemini Near Infrared Spectrometer (GNIRS), and it measures the spectrum of light coming from a distant object, to help astronomers understand its composition.

On the weekend of April 20th, technicians were using a system that warms up the instrument between observations, and it was left running for several days. This is standard procedure; however, an independent controller that shuts off power to the heater failed, and allowed the heater to reach 200-degrees.

Once they realized the instrument was being cooked by the heater, the technicians shut it down and allowed it to cool for a few days. They removed the instrument from the telescope, and dismantled it to access the damage.

Unfortunately, portions of GNIRS were damaged, and the CCD science detector was completely destroyed. Most of the instrument is undamaged, but it will still take several months to examine each component, clean and replace the damaged ones, and retest it for astronomical duty.

Original Source: Gemini News Release

SOFIA Makes its First Flight


If you want clear skies for astronomy, you need to get above the atmosphere. At the top of high mountain is good, space is even better, but that’s expensive. A new NASA infrared observatory is going to be flying as high as possible, to get above most of the atmosphere, at a fraction of the cost of a space mission. It’s called the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the specially modified 747 aircraft made its first checkout flight last week – NASA wanted to see how it handles at low-speed and low-altitude.

In order to fit a 20,000 kg (45,000 pound) infrared observatory into the aircraft, NASA had to cut a 5 metre (16 foot) hole in the back of the plane, near the tail. It now has a door that will slide back to reveal the telescope. The plane will eventually fly at an altitude of 12 km (40,000 feet), rising above most of the atmosphere’s water vapour, and give the 2.5 metre (98.4 inch) telescope a clear view of the heavens. Another advantage is that the aircraft can be serviced and upgraded regularly, swapping in new instrumentation as technology improves. You can’t do that with a space-based observatory.

For its next tests, SOFIA will transfer to its final home at NASA’s Dryden Research Center at Edwards, California. It will then perform a series of flights until its science observations begin in 2009 or 2010.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Tiny Shutters in the James Webb Telescope Improve its Vision

Artist impression of the James Webb Telescope. Image credit: NASANASA has a new article on their site describing one of the technologies going into the mighty James Webb Space Telescope; the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. They’ve created an array of microshutters which will allow the telescope to dynamically block the light from nearby objects to make distant objects easier to see.
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