
The Top 101 Astronomical Events for 2016

Comets, conjunctions, eclipses and more await astronomy fans worldwide in 2016, as well as a fine opposition of Mars and…

9 years ago

Watch the Moon Occult Aldebaran for Europe Wednesday Night

The waxing gibbous Moon will occult the bright star Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus the Bull this Wednesday evening…

9 years ago

Catch This Season’s ‘Other’ Comet: S2 PanSTARRS

Now is the time to catch binocular Comet C/2014 S2 PanSTARRS, as it tops +8 magnitude ahead of predictions this…

9 years ago

The 2015 Geminids: Observing, History, Imaging, Prognostications and More

A grand finale meteor shower graces the skies of the Earth this weekend, as the December Geminid meteors reach their…

9 years ago

Viewing Guide to the 2015 Geminid Meteor Shower

2015 looks like a fantastic year for the Geminids. With the Moon just 3 days past new and setting at the end…

9 years ago

Astro-Challenge: Watch the Moon Occult Venus in the Daytime

The year 2015 saved one of the best astronomical events for last, as the waning crescent Moon occults (passes in…

9 years ago

Hayabusa 2 to Flyby the Earth Tomorrow

A space-faring friend pays our fair planet a visit this week on the morning of December 3rd, as the Japanese…

9 years ago

Spotting Asterix: France Marks 50 Years of Space Exploration

Author's note: In the wake of the November 13th terrorist attacks, the French Space Agency CNES canceled the celebration of…

9 years ago

Comet Catalina Grows Two Tails, Soars at Dawn

Amateur astronomer Chris Schur of Arizona had only five minutes to observe and photograph Comet Catalina this morning before twilight…

9 years ago

It’s Finally Here! Comet Catalina Greets Dawn Skywatchers

If you love watching comets and live north of the equator, you've been holding your breath a l-o-n-g time for…

9 years ago