
Watch Where You Point That ‘Scope: Police Mistake Telescope for a Gun

One more thing amateur astronomers might need to worry about besides clouds, bugs, and trying to fix equipment malfunctions in…

9 years ago

Ice Giants at Opposition

It seems as if the planets are fleeing the evening sky, just as the Fall school star party season is…

9 years ago

Astro-Challenge: Splitting 44 Boötis

How good are your optics? Nothing can challenge the resolution of a large light bucket telescope, like attempting to split…

9 years ago

How to Find Rosetta’s Comet In Your Telescope

How would you like to see one of the most famous comets with your own eyes? Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko plies the…

9 years ago

Cassini’s Farewell Look at Dione

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft paid a visit to Saturn’s moon Dione this week, one final time. Cassini passed just 474 kilometers…

9 years ago

Gallery: 2015 Perseids Are Putting on a Show

Have you been looking up the past few nights, trying to see the Perseid Meteor Shower? Many of our readers…

9 years ago

Revealed: Mars to Appear Larger Than a Full Moon!

We can finally reveal the truth. A massive conspiracy, spanning over a decade, has been revealed at last by basement…

9 years ago

The Journey of Light, From the Stars to Your Eyes

This week, millions of people will turn their eyes to the skies in anticipation of the 2015 Perseid meteor shower. But what happens on less…

9 years ago

A Thrift Store Find Yields an Astronomical Mystery

A good mystery is often where you find it. Photographer Meagan Abell recently made a discovery during a thrift store…

9 years ago

The 2015 Perseids: Weather Prospects, Prognostications and More

The venerable ‘old faithful of meteor showers’ is on tap for this week, as the August Perseids gear up for their…

9 years ago