
Allergies? Must Be Pollen Corona Season Again

Don't be surprised if you look up in the Sun's direction and squint with itchy, watery eyes. You might be…

10 years ago

Getting Ready For International Space Station Observing Season

The summer season means long days and short nights, as observers in the northern hemisphere must stay up later each…

10 years ago

Hunting LightSail in Orbit

The hunt is on in the satellite tracking community, as the U.S. Air Force’s super-secret X-37B space plane rocketed into…

10 years ago

Review: Annals of the Deep Sky by Jeff Kanipe & Dennis Webb

Any lover of the night sky knows the value of a good star atlas and an astronomical handbook to guide…

10 years ago

A Guide to Saturn Through Opposition 2015

The month of May generally means the end of star party season here in Florida, as schools let out in…

10 years ago

Head Held High, Comet Lovejoy Does the Polar Plunge

Lots of towns hold a polar plunge fundraising event in the winter. Duluth, Minnesota's version, where participants jump in Lake Superior…

10 years ago

Tales (Tails?) of Two Comets: Prospects for Q1 PanSTARRS & G2 MASTER

Did you catch the performance of Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy earlier this year? Every year provides a few sure bets…

10 years ago

Mercury MESSENGER Mission Concludes with a Smashing Finale!

The planet Mercury has a brand new 52-foot-wide crater. At 3:26 p.m.  EDT this afternoon, NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft bit the Mercurial dust,…

10 years ago

Crossing Quarters: Would the Real Astronomical Midway Point Please Stand Up?

Happy May Day Eve! Maybe May 1st is a major holiday in your world scheme, or perhaps you see it…

10 years ago

The 2015 Lyrid Meteors Peak Tomorrow Night!

April showers bring May flowers, and this month also brings a shower of the celestial variety, as the Lyrid meteors…

10 years ago