
Black Moon: Why the New Moon on February 18th is Special

Did you hear the one about last month’s ‘supermoon?’ Yeah, we know. The hype was actually for an event that…

9 years ago

Catch a ‘Conjunction Triple Play’ on February 20th as the Moon Meets Venus & Mars

Fear not, the chill of late February. This Friday gives lovers of the sky a reason to brave the cold…

9 years ago

A Night-Sky Timelapse You Don’t Want to Miss

It's an old story: a couple leave their jobs, sell everything, and live in motorhome to capture footage and imagery…

9 years ago

By Jove: Jupiter Reaches Opposition on February 6th

Did you see the brilliant Full Snow Moon rising last night? Then you might’ve also noticed a bright nearby ‘star’.…

9 years ago

This Comparison of Comet 67/P With Other Solar System Bodies Will Blow Your Mind

There’s darkness out there in the cold corners of the solar system. And we’re not talking about a Lovecraftian darkness,…

9 years ago

iPhone Astrophotography: How to Take Amazing Images of the Sky with Your Smartphone Tonight!

Got a smartphone and a telescope? It’s a sight now common at many star parties. Frequently, you see folks roaming…

9 years ago

Luna vs. the Hyades! The 1st of 13 Occultations of Aldebaran Set For January 29th

The cosmos is continually in motion. Be it atoms, stars or snowflakes from the latest nor’easter pounding the New England…

9 years ago

See a Rare Comet-Moon Conjunction Tonight

I want to alert you to a rather unusual event occurring this evening. Many of you already know about the triple…

9 years ago

Rare Triple Transit! There’ll be 3 Moon Shadows on Jupiter on January 24th, 2015

Play the skywatching game long enough, and anything can happen. Well, nearly anything. One of the more unique clockwork events…

9 years ago