
Put Yourself in the Way of Beauty

Oh my, oh my. Rolando Ligustri captured this scene last night as Comet Q2 Lovejoy swished past the globular cluster…

10 years ago

Half-Moon Makes Dramatic Pass at Uranus Tonight

Sunlight. Moonlight. Starlight. I saw all three for the first time in weeks yesterday. Filled with photons, I feel lighter today,…

10 years ago

Comet Q2 Lovejoy Loses Tail, Grows Another, Loses That One Too!

Maybe you've seen Comet Q2 Lovejoy. It's a big fuzzy ball in binoculars low in the southern sky in the…

10 years ago

The Top 101 Astronomical Events to Watch for in 2015

Phew! It’s here. Now in its seventh year of compilation and the second year running on Universe Today, we’re proud…

10 years ago

Comet Q2 Lovejoy Set to Ring in the New Year: Reader Images and More

Keeping warm? Yesterday marked the start of astronomical winter for the northern hemisphere, meaning long nights and (hopefully) clear, cold…

10 years ago

Comet Finlay in Bright Outburst, Visible in Small Telescopes

Short-period comet 15P/Finlay, which had been plunking along at a dim magnitude +11, has suddenly brightened in the past couple days…

10 years ago

Astro-Challenge: Taming the Pup-Can You Glimpse Sirius B?

Astronomy is all about thinking big, both in time and space. The Earth turns on its axis, the Moon passes…

10 years ago

The Curious History of the Geminid Meteors

UPDATE: Tune in this Sunday as the good folks over at the Virtual Telescope Project feature a live webcast covering…

10 years ago

How Low Can You Go? Take the Great Square Challenge

Cast your gaze up, up, up on the next dark, moonless night and stare into the Great Square of Pegasus.…

10 years ago

Lovely New Timelapse: Chasing Starlight in the Canadian Rockies

Ready for an adventure? One of our favorite photographers, Jack Fusco, created this stunning travel video for Travel Alberta and…

10 years ago