
2018 Prospects for Obscure Comet 38P Stephan-Oterma

Ready for one more? While all eyes are still following Comet 21/P Giacobini-Zinner as it glides through northern hemisphere skies,…

6 years ago

Heralding the 2018 Harvest Moon

Following the Moon lately? The up and coming Full Moon is the most famous of them all, as we approach…

6 years ago

Exploring the Ice Giants: Neptune and Uranus at Opposition for 2018

Have you seen all of the planets for yourself? This week is a good time to check off the most…

6 years ago

Catch Comet 21/P Giacobini-Zinner at Its Best

A periodic comet may put on a fine show for northern hemisphere viewers over the next few months. Comet 21/P…

6 years ago

A Partial Solar Eclipse and the Perseids Round Out August

How about that Total Lunar Eclipse this past July 13th? It has been a busy year for astronomy for sure,…

6 years ago

Catch Comet C/2017 S3 PanSTARRS in Outburst

Comets are one of those great question marks in observational astronomy. Though we can plot their orbits thanks to Newton…

6 years ago

Mars Meets the MiniMoon During the Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the Century

One of the top astronomy events of 2018 occurs on the evening of Friday, July 27th, when the Moon enters…

6 years ago

A Partial Solar Eclipse Down Under

Eclipse season in nigh... though most of us won't notice. The second eclipse season for 2018 commences with the arrival…

6 years ago

A Spectacular Grazing Occultation for Aldebaran at Dawn

An unusual celestial spectacle unfolds for observers around the Great Lakes region next Tuesday at dawn. The Moon has been…

6 years ago

Planetpalooza: All Bright Planets Visible in the July Dusk Sky

Missed the planets in the dusk sky in early 2018? This summer's astronomical blockbuster sees the return of all the…

7 years ago