
New Supernova Pops in Bright Galaxy M106 in the ‘Hunting Dogs’

A supergiant star exploded 23.5 million years ago in one of the largest and brightest nearby galaxies. This spring we…

10 years ago

Amateur Asteroid Hunters Take Note: NASA and Slooh Will Ask For Your Help

Do you lack a telescope, but have a burning desire to look for asteroids near Earth? No problem! NASA and…

10 years ago

Going Low for Omega Centauri: How to Spot a Southern Hemisphere Jewel from Mid-Northern Latitudes

47 Tucanae... the Coal Sack… Magellanic Clouds large and small… sure, it can be argued that the southern hemisphere sky…

10 years ago

Can You Say Camelopardalids? Observing, Weather Prospects and More for the May 24th Meteor Shower

It could be the best of meteor showers, or it could be the… Well, we’ll delve into the alternatives here…

10 years ago

If Pigs Could Fly – A Quick Guide to Solar Halos and Other Curiosities

Call it a porcine occultation. It took nearly a year but I finally got help from the ornamental pig in…

10 years ago

14 Red Dwarf Stars to View with Backyard Telescopes

They’re nearby, they’re common and — at least in the latest exoplanet newsflashes hot off the cyber-press — they’re hot.…

10 years ago

Observing Alert: See Mercury’s Best Evening Show of the Year

Don't let furtive Mercury slip through your fingers this spring. The next two and a half weeks will be the best…

10 years ago

Interesting Prospects for Comet A1 Siding Spring Versus the Martian Atmosphere

It may be the chance of a lifetime for planetary science. This October, a comet will brush past a planet,…

10 years ago

The Hunt for KBOs for New Horizons’ Post-Pluto Encounter Continues

Are you ready for the summer of 2015? A showdown of epic proportions is in the making, as NASA’s New…

10 years ago

Comet Jacques Brightens: How to See it in May

A recently discovered comet is headed northward and is set to put on one of two fine performances for binocular observers…

10 years ago