
Astro-Challenge: Nabbing Venus… at Inferior Conjunction

Residents of high northern latitudes can take heart this frigid January: this coming weekend offers a chance to replicate a…

10 years ago

Ultra-Thin “Young” Crescent Moon Sighted from U.S. Southwest

 Earlier this week, Universe Today challenged North American readers to spot the slender, exceptionally "young" crescent Moon on the evening…

11 years ago

See the Youngest Moon of Your Life Tonight

The new year starts out with a bang, offering the chance to spy an exceptionally thin crescent moon shortly after…

11 years ago

The Quadrantid Meteor Shower-One of the Best Bets for 2014

If there’s one thing we love, it’s a good meteor shower from an obscure and defunct constellation. Never heard of the…

11 years ago

101 Astronomical Events for 2014

It’s here! As 2013 draws to a close, we once again cast our thoughts to all things astronomical for the…

11 years ago

‘Tis the Season to Spot Jupiter: A Guide to the 2014 Opposition

Lovers of planetary action rejoice; the king of the planets is returning to the evening skies. One of the very…

11 years ago

Tonight: The Rise of the 2013 “Mini-Moon”

  The final Full Moon of 2013 occurs tonight, and along with it comes something special: the most distant and visually…

11 years ago

Get Ready for the 2013 Geminid Meteor Shower

One of the best annual meteor showers occurs this coming weekend. The 2013 Geminid meteors peak this coming Saturday on…

11 years ago

A Naked Eye Nova Erupts in Centaurus

If you live in the southern hemisphere, the southern sky constellation of Centaurus may look a little different to you…

11 years ago

Now is a Great Time to Try Seeing Venus in the Daytime Sky

Here’s a feat of visual athletics to amaze your friends with this week. During your daily routine, you may have…

11 years ago