
Incredible Views: Comet PANSTARRS Meets the Andromeda Galaxy

We warned you it was going to happen, and here's visual proof! In this comet encounter of the extragalactic kind,…

11 years ago

Comet Lemmon: A Preview Guide for April

As Comet 2011 L4 PanSTARRS moves out of the inner solar system, we’ve got another comet coming into view this…

11 years ago

See Mercury at its Greatest Elongation for 2013

A fine apparition of the planet Mercury graces the dawn skies this week, leading up to its greatest elongation from…

11 years ago

Keeping up with Comet PANSTARRS through the end of March

Wow - what an image! Michael Jaeger's photo of Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS on March 19 resembles those taken by…

12 years ago

Stalking the Lunar X

This week offers observers a shot at capturing a fascinating but elusive lunar feature. But why study the Moon? It’s…

12 years ago

Comet Pan-STARRS Wows Over Holland

Comet Pan-STARRS thrills Dutch observers of the Night Sky on March 14, 2013 shortly after sunset- note the rich hues.…

12 years ago

Update: Comet PANSTARRS Makes Its Northern Hemisphere Debut

The first of three bright comets anticipated in 2013 became visible to North American observers this past weekend. Comet C/2011…

12 years ago

12 Star Party Secret Weapons

We’ve all been there. Well OK, all public star party telescope operators have been there. You’re set up and you've got a stunning…

12 years ago

A Guide to Help You See Comet PANSTARRS at its Brightest

This is the big week so many of us in the northern hemisphere have been waiting for. Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS,…

12 years ago

Rare Eclipsing Binary Stars Provide Refined Measurements in the Universe

Precise observations of a rare class of binary stars have now allowed a team of astronomers to improve the measurement…

12 years ago