You’ve probably all seen it before, a huge Full Moon sitting on the horizon and you wonder why it looks…
[/caption]According to today's Sky & Telescope press release, two bright planets will shine close together low in the western twilight…
[/caption] It spans nearly 30 light years of space... and resides approximately 15,000 light-years from Earth. Its heartbeat is an…
[/caption] UPDATE: We've already got a sighting! The image above was taken this evening in the UK by science writer…
Jane Houston Jones from JPL provides a video report on the happenings in space this month, and what you can…
[/caption] How dark are your skies? GLOBE at Night wants to know! Join the 6th annual worldwide GLOBE at Night…
As we know, Jupiter's Southern Equatorial Belt has been missing beneath its icy clouds for almost a year now. While…
[/caption] If you're an early riser, then perhaps you've noticed Kepler's Laws in action? No, it's not a new Bruce…
[/caption] Here’s another “Hidden Treasure” from the European Southern Observatory, from the astrophotography competition where amateurs create images from unused…
I am often asked by people “I’m a beginner, so what telescope should I buy?” Or more often, what GoTo…