
Does Free Will Exist? Ancient Quasars May Hold the Clue.

Do you believe in free will? Are people able to decide their own destinies, whether it's on what continent they'll…

11 years ago

Quantum Entanglement Explained

Confused by how particles can be in two places at once? Wondering how particles can instantly communicate with each other…

11 years ago

NOvA Experiment Nabs Its First Neutrinos

Neutrinos are some of the most abundant, curious, and elusive critters in particle physics. Incredibly lightweight -- nigh massless, according…

11 years ago

Planck “Star” to Arise From Black Holes?

A new paper has been posted on the arxiv (a repository of research preprints) introducing the idea of a Planck star…

11 years ago

How A Laser Appears To Move Faster Than Light (And Why It Really Isn’t)

We at Universe Today often hear theories purporting that Einstein is wrong, and perhaps one of the most common things…

11 years ago

Why Hawking is Wrong About Black Holes

A recent paper by Stephen Hawking has created quite a stir, even leading Nature News to declare there are no black…

11 years ago

How We Know Gravity is Not (Just) a Force

When  we think of gravity, we typically think of it as a force between masses.  When you step on a…

11 years ago

Black Holes No More? Not Quite.

Nature News has announced that there are no black holes.  This claim is made by none other than Stephen Hawking, so…

11 years ago

Why Is the Solar System Flat?

It's no mystery that the planets, moons, asteroids, etc. in the Solar System are arranged in a more-or-less flat, plate-like…

11 years ago

Why Einstein Will Never Be Wrong

One of the benefits of being an astrophysicist is your weekly email from someone who claims to have “proven Einstein…

11 years ago