
Thinking About Time Travel Helps Solve Problems in Physics

An experiment at Cambridge University shows how quantum entanglements can be harnessed to change past outcomes.

1 year ago

It's Official, Antimatter Falls Down in Gravity, Not Up

Since the discovery of antimatter decades ago, particle physicists have wondered if these particles were repulsed by gravity. Einstein predicted…

1 year ago

Gluttonous Black Holes Eat Faster Than Thought. Does That Explain Quasars?

At the heart of large galaxies like our Milky Way, there resides a supermassive black hole (SMBH.) These behemoths draw…

1 year ago

New Muon g-2 Result Improves the Measurement by a Factor of 2

The results from the first three years of Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab provide further evidence for the existence of…

1 year ago

The Best Particle Collider in the World? The Sun

Recently astronomers caught a strange mystery: extremely high-energy particles spitting out of the surface of the Sun when it was…

2 years ago

Are We Entering the Era of Quantum Telescopes?

In a recent study, a team of researchers showed how combining interferometry with quantum principles could lead to quantum telescopes.

2 years ago

We Have Ignition! Fusion Breakthrough Raises Hopes — and Questions

For the first time ever, physicists have set off a controlled nuclear fusion reaction that released more energy than what…

2 years ago

The Technique for Detecting Meteors Could be Used to Find Dark Matter Particles Entering the Atmosphere

Researchers from Ohio State University have come up with a novel method to detect dark matter, based on existing meteor-detecting…

2 years ago

Nature’s Ultra-Rare Isotopes Can’t Hide from this New Particle Accelerator

A new particle accelerator at Michigan State University is producing long-awaited results. It's called the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams,…

2 years ago

IceCube Senses Neutrinos Streaming From an Active Galaxy 47 Million Light-Years Away

Researchers using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory have detected neutrinos emanating from the energetic core of an active galaxy millions of…

2 years ago