
Quantum Theory Proposes That Cause and Effect Can Go In Loops

Causality is one of those difficult scientific topics that can easily stray into the realm of philosophy.  Science’s relationship with…

4 years ago

Neutrinos Have a Newly Discovered Method of Interacting With Matter, Opening up Ways to Find Them

Researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently conducted another neutrino experiment that could lead to the discovery of new…

4 years ago

There's no way to Measure the Speed of Light in a Single Direction

A new study shows that not even cosmology can verify Einstein's assumption about the speed of light.

4 years ago

A new Type of Atomic Clock Uses Entangled Atoms. At Most, it Would be off by 100 Milliseconds Since the Beginning of the Universe

Scientists have made a clock so accurate you wouldn't have to reset it for billions of years.

4 years ago

There’s a new record for the shortest time measurement: how long it takes light to cross a hydrogen molecule

To measure small differences in time, you need a really tiny clock, and researchers in Germany have discovered the smallest…

4 years ago

Time Travel, Without the Pesky Paradoxes

So you've built a time machine. What prevents you from creating a paradox that dooms us all?

4 years ago

Even Comets Can Have Auroras. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Does

The ESA's Rosetta mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko ended four years ago. On September 30th 2016 the spacecraft was directed into…

4 years ago

Behold! The Black Hole Collision Calculator!

A new tool called the Black Hole Collision Calculator let's users see just how powerful a collision between a black…

4 years ago

NASA’s New Video Shows You What it’s Like Traveling Close to the Speed of Light

NASA has just released an informative video that lets potential interstellar travellers know what they're in for!

4 years ago

Could a tabletop experiment detect gravitational waves and determine the quantum nature of gravity?

A tabletop gravitational wave detector could take decades to build, but it could answer the most fundamental questions in physics.

4 years ago