Planet News

Discovered: Two New Planets for Kapteyn’s Star

The exoplanet discoveries have been coming fast and furious this week, as astronomers announced a new set of curious worlds…

10 years ago

Updated! Zoomable Poster Now Shows Off 54 Years Of Space Exploration

We humans are busy creatures when it comes to exploring the solar system. This new graphic (which updates one from…

10 years ago

Mercury’s Ready For Its Close-Up, Mr. MESSENGER

Are you ready for a good close look at Mercury? At an incredible 5 meters per pixel, this is one of…

10 years ago

Direct Image of an Exoplanet 155 Light Years Away

Chalk up another benchmark in the fascinating and growing menagerie of extra-solar planets. This week, an international team of researchers…

10 years ago

Planetary Scientist Colin Pillinger Dies

British planetary scientist Colin Pillinger has passed away. Pillinger, age 70, was best known as leading the 2003 attempt to…

10 years ago

Spin! Exoplanet’s Day Finishes Blazing Fast Compared To Earth

Between the time you got to work this morning and the time you leave today -- assuming an eight-hour work…

10 years ago

Surprise! Asteroid Hosts A Two-Ring Circus Above Its Surface

Rings are a tough phenomenon to spot. As late as 1977, astronomers thought that the only thing in the solar…

10 years ago

Till Hellas Freezes Over – See Frost and Clouds in Mars’ Largest Crater

Earth's changing weather always makes life interesting. Seeing weather on other planets through a telescope we sense a kinship between…

11 years ago

Mega Discovery! 715 Alien Planets Confirmed Using A New Trick On Old Kepler Data

Planet-watchers, some exciting news: you know how we keep talking about planet candidates, those planets that have yet to be…

11 years ago

Mariner 10: Best Venus Image and 1st Ever Planetary Gravity Assist – 40 Years Ago Today

Exactly 40 Years ago today on Feb. 5, 1974, Mariner 10, accomplished a history making and groundbreaking feat when the…

11 years ago