Planet News

Venus Slip-Slides Away – Catch it While You Can!

I put down down the snow shovel to give my back a rest yesterday evening and couldn't believe what I…

11 years ago

Baby Free-Floating Planet Found Alone, Away From A Star

The planetary world keeps getting stranger. Scientists have found free-floating planets -- drifting alone, away from stars -- before. But…

11 years ago

Uranus: A Guide to its 2013 Opposition

Up for a challenge? Got a big 12” light bucket of a Dobsonian telescope and looking for something new to…

11 years ago

Haiku for Mars: Winners Selected for MAVEN Mission

Fans of Mars and spaceflight waxed poetic as the haiku selected to travel to Mars aboard the MAVEN spacecraft were…

11 years ago

Water-Trapped Worlds Possible Around Red Dwarf Stars?

Hunters of alien life may have a new and unsuspected niche to scout out. A recent paper submitted by Associate…

11 years ago

Beautiful Timelapse of a Triple Planetary Conjunction

We've shared oodles of great images from the recent planetary conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, visible in the evening…

11 years ago

Rare Spectacular Triple Planet Conjunction Wows World! – Astrophoto Gallery

Triple planets (Venus/Jupiter/Mercury) conjunction over Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France on May 26. Credit: Thierry Legault Update: See expanded Conjunction astrophoto…

11 years ago

Bright Planetary Conjunctions Liven Up This Week’s Evening Sky

Planning a barbecue this weekend? You may want to top it off with a look at three bright planets shuttling…

11 years ago

Kepler Team Identifies Planet Impostors that are Binary Stars in Disguise

Observations by the Kepler satellite have advanced our knowledge of stars and their orbiting planets, yielding more than 100 confirmed…

12 years ago

Kepler’s Weirdest Exoplanets

Captain Kirk has nothing on the "strange new worlds" the Kepler space telescope has found. NASA's planet-probing orbiting observatory launched…

12 years ago