Planetary Formation

Are the Gaps in These Disks Caused by Planets?

Astronomers like observing distant young stars as they form. Stars are born out of a molecular cloud, and once enough…

5 years ago

Mars Was Hit By a Lot of Protoplanets Early in its History, Taking Longer to Form than Previously Thought.

There are around 61,000 meteorites on Earth, or at least that's how many have been found. Out of those, about…

5 years ago

Planet Mars, From Pole to Pole

A new image from the ESA's Mars Express Orbiter shows exactly how different regions in Mars are from one another.…

5 years ago

That Explains a Lot. The Moon’s Largest Crater has a Chunk of Metal Embedded in it That’s 5 Times Bigger than the Big Island of Hawaii

One of the largest craters in the Solar System is on our Moon. It's called the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin…

6 years ago

Astronomers See Adorable Baby Planets Forming Around a Young Star

370 light years away from us, a solar system is making baby planets. The star at the center of it…

6 years ago

Bizarre Double Star System Flipped its Planetary Disk on its Side

An international research team recently found a binary star system with a debris disk that orbits around their poles.

6 years ago

Here are 20 Protoplanetary Disks, With Newly Forming Planets Carving Out Gaps in the Gas and Dust

A new survey by an ALMA collaboration has resulted in stunning images of 20 nearby protoplanetary disks, which shows the…

6 years ago

Surprising Discovery. Four Giant Planets Found Around a Very Young Star

What exactly is a "normal" solar system? If we thought we had some idea in the past, we definitely don't…

6 years ago

Forming Dense Metal Planets like Mercury is Probably Pretty Difficult and Rare in the Universe

A new study by a team of Swiss astronomers indicates that Mercury-like planets, which have a high iron-to-rock ration, are…

6 years ago

This Meteorite is One of the Few Remnants from a Lost Planet that was Destroyed Long Ago

A new study provides evidence of a so-called lost planet that was formed in the early days of the Solar…

7 years ago