
The Event Horizon Telescope Gazes into the Heart of a Distant Quasar

Oftentimes in astronomy, it takes a village of telescopes and people to make an amazing find. In the case of…

2 years ago

Dust is Hiding how Powerful Quasars Really are

A new study has found that Active Galactic Nuclei are much brighter and similar to one another than previously thought.

2 years ago

For the First Time, Astronomers Spot Stars in Galaxies that Existed Just 1 Billion Years After the Big Bang

Using data from the JWST, an international team of astronomers have made the first observations of stars in quasars that…

2 years ago

Quasars Produce Giant Jets That Focus Like Lasers. Why They Focus is Still a Mystery, but it’s not Coming From the Galaxy Itself

New technologies bring new astronomical insights, which is especially satisfying when they help answer debates that have been ongoing for…

2 years ago

Webb Sees a Cluster of Galaxies Feeding a Quasar

There's a galaxy protocluster out there in the distant universe that's waving some tantalizing clues about cosmic history at astronomers.…

2 years ago

Gravity Really Tangled up the Light From a Distant Quasar

Way back in 1979, astronomers spotted two nearly identical quasars that seemed close to each other in the sky. These…

2 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes Formed Directly out of Enormous Streams of Cold gas

New research shows that distant quasars were born in the cold dark of turbulent gas.

3 years ago

Most Black Holes Spin Rapidly. This one… Doesn’t

A Chandra X-ray Observatory view of the supermassive black hole at the heart of quasar H1821+643. Courtesy NASA/CXC/Univ. of Cambridge/J.…

3 years ago

Astronomers see a Rare “Double Quasar” in a Pair of Merging Galaxies

What's better than a quasar? That's right, two quasars. Astronomers have spotted for the first time two rare double-quasars, and…

4 years ago

Gaia Finds 12 Examples of Einstein Crosses; Galaxies Being Gravitationally Lensed so we see Them Repeated 4 Times

After examining data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of researchers found 12 more examples of the rare phenomenon known…

4 years ago