
A New Technique to Find Cold Gas Streams That Might Make up the Missing (Normal) Matter in the Universe

Where is all the missing matter? That question has plagued astronomers for decades, because the Universe looks emptier than it…

4 years ago

Astronomers are Starting to Understand the Quasar Lifecycle

Supermassive black holes have a complicated lifecycle. Sometimes they're "on", blasting out tremendous amounts of energy, and sometimes they're "off',…

4 years ago

A Galaxy is Making New Stars Faster Than its Black Hole Can Starve Them for Fuel

A monster lurks at the heart of many galaxies – even our own Milky Way. This monster possesses the mass…

4 years ago

New jets seen blasting out of the center of a galaxy

Giant black holes can launch jets that extend for tens of thousand of light-years, blasting clean out of their host…

4 years ago

Some Quasars Actually Contain Two Supermassive Black Holes in the Process of Merging

Astronomers have found a powerful quasar powered by two supermassive black holes.

4 years ago

Quasars can twinkle?

It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks. With a recent upgrade to a 50-year-old radio telescope,…

4 years ago

Quasars are the Biggest Particle Accelerators in the Universe

We puny humans think we can accelerate particles? Look how proud we are of the Large Hadron Collider. But any…

5 years ago