
Europe’s ExoMars Rover Will Likely Miss This Year’s Launch Window Because of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

As countries around the world respond to Russia's invasion of Ukraine with sanctions aimed at crippling Moscow and Vladimir Putin,…

3 years ago

Satellites can now see Exactly Where Methane is Being Dumped Into the Atmosphere

Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases, despite the overwhelming interest in carbon dioxide emissions as the primary…

3 years ago

Finally, a Practical use for Space-Based Power Beaming. Sending Power to Satellites in Shade

Power beaming is one of those technologies that can completely change the world.  Almost unlimited power wherever it is needed,…

3 years ago

A Chinese Space Tug Just Grappled a Dead Satellite

A Chinese satellite pulled a defunct navigation satellite out of the way of other satellites on January 22nd. The satellite,…

3 years ago

This Video of Comet Leonard (with Venus and Mercury) will Blow Your Mind

Since early this year, skywatchers on Earth have been tracking Comet Leonard, a kilometer-wide dirty snowball made of ice, rock…

3 years ago

The Recent Killer Tornado’s Track is Visible From Space

During the night of December 10, 2021, severe weather tore through several US states, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and…

3 years ago

NASA Launches a New X-ray Observatory

A new mission has launched to study some the most intriguing secrets of the universe. No, not THAT spacecraft (JWST…

3 years ago

Rocket Lab Shows off its new Reusable Neutron Rocket, due for Launch in 2024

Rocket Lab just showed the updated design of their Neutron rocket, which features a never-before-seen Hungry Hippo fairing!

3 years ago

It’s Time to Stop Doing Anti-Satellite Tests

Earlier this month, the Russian military conducted an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile test, launching a PL19 Nudol interceptor missile at a…

3 years ago

“Irresponsible” Russian Anti-Satellite Test Creates Orbital Debris Field, Endangering the Space Station and Crew

Early Monday, November 15, 2021, the International Space Station Flight Control team in Houston told the crew that due to…

3 years ago