
Cassini Captures Saturn’s Darkest Rings

The closest to the planet itself, the hazy arcs of Saturn's D ring may lack the reflective brilliance and sharply-defined…

12 years ago

Ten Interesting Facts About Saturn

This article comes from our archive, but we updated it with this video. Saturn is my absolute favorite object in…

12 years ago

A Ghostly “Ladder” in Saturn’s F Ring

Saturn's F ring is certainly a curious structure. Orbiting the giant planet 82,000 kilometers above its equatorial cloud tops, the…

12 years ago

Saturn’s Moon Dione May Have Been Active Like Enceladus

From a JPL press release: From a distance, most of the Saturnian moon Dione resembles a bland cueball. Thanks to…

12 years ago

Cassini Flyby Will Look for Waves on Titan’s Seas

Are there waves on Titan’s lakes and seas? Cassini scientists say that the best chance of answering this question is…

12 years ago

Trapped Gas Explains Saturn’s Fresh Face

The mystery of Saturn's bright, youthful appearance is a step closer to resolution. And it actually has to do with…

12 years ago

How Saturn’s Magnetic Activity Could Help us Pinpoint Time on the Ringed Planet

He's not even finished his first university degree yet, but Tim Kennelly is already part of a team that is altering…

12 years ago

Saturn Storm’s ‘Suck Zone’ Shown In Spectacular Cassini Shots

Checking out the above pictures of a Saturn hurricane, one can't help but wonder: how close was the Cassini spacecraft…

12 years ago

Saturn Reaches Opposition on April 28

Saturn is one of the most striking objects to see through a telescope, and it is now at its brightest…

12 years ago

Cassini Watches as Meteors Hit Saturn’s Rings

From tell-tale evidence, we know that Earth, our Moon and other bodies in our Solar System are constantly barraged with…

12 years ago