
Massive Ice Avalanches on Iapetus

We’ve seen avalanches on Mars, but now scientists have found avalanches taking place on an unlikely place in our solar…

13 years ago

Two Moons In Passing

[/caption] Saturn’s moon Tethys passes in front of its slightly larger sister Dione in this animation made from 25 raw images…

13 years ago

Photo Treat: Enceladus, Titan and Saturn’s Rings

[/caption] Little Enceladus and enormous Titan are seen on either side of Saturn's rings in this image, a color-composite made…

13 years ago

Weekly SkyWatcher’s Forecast – March 19-25, 2012

[/caption] Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! The week starts off with new Moon and the perfect opportunity to do a Messier Marathon.…

13 years ago

Saturn’s “Wispy” Moon Has An Oxygen Atmosphere

[/caption] There's oxygen around Dione, a research team led by scientists at New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory announced on…

13 years ago

Night Sky Guide: March 2012

Special thanks to Ninian Boyle for information in parts of this guide. March brings us some wonderful sights to…

13 years ago

Moons Large and Small

[/caption] It may be one of the best images from Cassini yet this year! Cloud-covered Titan and tiny Prometheus (can…

13 years ago

Night Sky Guide: February 2012

Special thanks to Ninian Boyle for information in parts of this guide This month, the Solar System gives us…

13 years ago

Astronomers Find Saturn’s Possible Cosmic Doppelgänger

[/caption] By analyzing the silhouette of an exoplanet passing in front of its parent star some 420 light years from…

13 years ago

Storms And Lakes On Titan Revealed By Computer Modeling

[/caption] Thanks to the Cassini mission and the Huygens probe, we've glimpsed a wet world when science took a look…

13 years ago