
Can Cassini be Used to Detect Life on Enceladus?

[/caption]Having just returned the most detailed images yet of Saturn's 500km-wide moon Enceladus, it is little wonder scientists are excited…

16 years ago

Cassini’s ‘Skeet Shoot’ of Enceladus Produces Spectacular Images

[/caption] The Cassini spacecraft performed another 'skeet shoot' over Enceladus' south pole on Friday, and returned some absolutely stunning images.…

16 years ago

Halloween Flyby Will Focus on the Eerie Fractures of Enceladus

[/caption] What lurks in the eerie fractures of Enceladus that slash across the moon's south polar region? The Cassini spacecraft…

16 years ago

Violent Polar Cyclones on Saturn Imaged in Unprecedented Detail by Cassini

[/caption] The Cassini mission has released some of the most detailed images of Saturn's poles yet, revealing vast cyclones churning…

16 years ago

Cassini To Buzz Enceladus Oct. 9

[/caption] The Cassini spacecraft will make two close passes of Saturn's geyser-spewing moon Enceladus this month. The first one on…

16 years ago

Saturn’s Eerie Radio Emissions Mapped in 3-D

[/caption] While Saturn and its rings are beautiful and wondrous, the sounds of Saturn are eerie and strange. Scientists have…

16 years ago

Saturn’s Rings May Be Billions of Years Old

Saturn's enigmatic rings may be much older and also much more massive than previously thought, according to a new study.…

16 years ago

Saturn’s Glowing Rings

[/caption] The Cassini spacecraft recently flew through the plane of Saturn's rings and took this straight-on image of the G…

16 years ago

Cassini Images Ring Arcs Among Two of Saturn’s Moons

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has imaged a faint, partial ring orbiting with one small moon of Saturn, and has confirmed the…

16 years ago

Cassini Pinpoints Source of Jets on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

[/caption] Cassini scientists have been "bee-busy" poring over the images from the August 11 flyby of Saturn's geyser-spewing moon Enceladus,…

16 years ago