Can Cassini be Used to Detect Life on Enceladus?

Artist impression of the surface of Enceladus and the source of the plumes (BBC/Karl Kofoed)

[/caption]Having just returned the most detailed images yet of Saturn’s 500km-wide moon Enceladus, it is little wonder scientists are excited about this mysterious natural satellite. However, in new research recently published, the results aren’t related to the recent “skeet shot” Cassini carried out above the moon’s south pole (although there is some common ground). The paper’s origins started out in July 2005 when Enceladus’ plume of gas (containing organic compounds) was discovered fizzing from the moon’s surface, inside the “tiger stripes” just imaged by Cassini.

In some computer models, this plume is attributed to a sub-surface ocean. This possibility has led scientists to speculate that it might be an ideal environment for basic forms of life to thrive. What’s more, although the Cassini spacecraft isn’t equipped to directly search for life, it may be able to detect the signature of life

The four long fissures straddle the south pole of Enceladus and run for more than 100 kilometres – the circular grid marks 60° South (NASA)
Point of interest: The four long fissures straddle the south pole of Enceladus and run for more than 100 kilometres – the circular grid marks 60° South (NASA)
This new research published in the journal Astrobiology and led by Christopher McKay at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, suggests that the Cassini probe may have already collected data that could be analysed in the search for extraterrestrial life. By sifting through the data collected by the Saturn spacecraft after it passed though the plume of gas and ice particles emitted from Enceladus’ south pole, organic chemicals, such as methane, have been detected.

As Nancy wrote earlier today in relation to the search for life on Mars, methane is a key by-product from biological processes on Earth. It seems that Enceladus has a whole cocktail of the key components for life blasting into space.

If you think about what you need for life, you need water, energy, organic material, and you need nitrogen, and they’re all coming out of the plume,” McKay said. “Here is a little world that seems to have it all.”

So what could be producing this possible biological signature? It seems possible that micro-organisms known as methanogens (as the name suggests, they produce methane as a gaseous by-product to their biological cycles) could be a possible explanation, but there must be the correct ratio of organic compounds (in favour of methane) present in the plume for this to be the case.

Life's smoking gun? The plume above Enceladus (NASA)
Life's smoking gun? The plume above Enceladus (NASA)
McKay’s team argues that for the organic compounds found in Enceladus’ plume to be of biological origin, there should be a much higher concentration of methane than any heavier organic compound (i.e. non-methane hydrocarbons). McKay’s paper suggests that the non-methane hydrocarbon to methane ratio needs to be lower than 0.001 for the methane to favour a biological origin.

This method was recently used on hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. A higher ratio of non-methane hydrocarbons were measured, indicating the gases emitted from the vents were non-biological in origin. This research suggests that Cassini’s Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) can be used in a similar way to see if the organic compounds detected in the Enceladus plume can be attributed to biological processes.

However, previous fly-bys of the plume suggest it is very comet-like (and therefore an ancient source of organic compounds), so more data needs to be collected and better models need to be devised.

This research is very encouraging for the future exploration of the Solar System’s gas giant moons, and it is hoped that more sensitive equipment can be put into Saturn orbit in the future to possibly refine the preliminary results from Cassini. Whether the organic compounds in Enceladus’ south polar plume can be attributed to biological processes, or not, will probably have to wait a while yet…

Source: New Scientist

Cassini’s ‘Skeet Shoot’ of Enceladus Produces Spectacular Images

Baghdad Sulcus on Enceladus. Credit: CICLOPS

The Cassini spacecraft performed another ‘skeet shoot’ over Enceladus’ south pole on Friday, and returned some absolutely stunning images. Or as Carolyn Porco, the imaging team leader for the spacecraft said, “a bounty of positively glorious views of one of the most fabulous places in the solar system.” The resolution of the mosaic shown here is just 12.3 meters per pixel! Visible are large house-sized boulders, and the deep “tiger stripes” from which the plumes of material are being produced. One source of the jets producing the plumes is identified in the upper right on this image. Enjoy these great images now because the next flyby of Enceladus won’t be for another year. And at that time, the sun won’t be shining as predominantly on moon’s south pole, so next year the view of this region of Enceladus will be much dimmer. Here’s more…

This Cassini image was the first and highest resolution ‘skeet shoot’ narrow angle image captured during the October 31st flyby of Enceladus.

The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on October 31, 2008 at a distance of approximately 1691 kilometers (1056 miles) from Enceladus and at a Sun-Enceladus-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 78 degrees. Image scale is 9 meters (30 feet).

Enceladus.  Credit: CICLOPS
Enceladus. Credit: CICLOPS

Here’s the 8th image from the flyby using the narrow angle camera The source region for jets II and III are identified. To identify jet source locations on the surface, imaging scientists carefully measured the locations and orientations of individual jets observed along the moon’s limb in Cassini images taken from multiple viewing angles. For each jet measurement, the researchers then computed a curve, or ground track, on the surface of Enceladus along which that jet might lie. The researchers were able to isolate eight areas as jet sources.

The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera at a distance of approximately 5568 kilometers (3480 miles) from Enceladus and at a Sun-Enceladus-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 75 degrees. Image scale is 32 meters (105 feet) per pixel.

More Enceladus.  Credit: CICLOPS
More Enceladus. Credit: CICLOPS

Sources: CICLOPS (here and here)

Halloween Flyby Will Focus on the Eerie Fractures of Enceladus

Enceladus Flyby on Oct. 31. Credit: NASA

What lurks in the eerie fractures of Enceladus that slash across the moon’s south polar region? The Cassini spacecraft will make a Halloween flyby of Enceladus and focus its cameras and other optical remote sensing instruments on the mysterious tiger-stripe-like features seen on this strange moon of Saturn. This flyby comes just over three weeks after a previous flyby of the same moon, and then just a few days later, on November 3, Cassini will make a flyby of Titan, on the inbound leg of its orbit around the ringed world. What tricks do the Cassini scientists have up their sleeves for this flyby? Will we be treated to some spectacular images? And what about those spooky sounds from Saturn?

For the Oct. 31 flby, the spacecraft will zoom by the Enceladus at 17.7 km/sec (39,600 mph, cruising just 197 km (122 miles) from the moon’s surface. Cassini will approach the moon on a fast, inclined trajectory over the northern hemisphere and will depart over the southern hemisphere. The closest approach occurs on October 31st at 17:14:51 UT over latitude 28° S and longitude 97° W. The Optical Remote Sensing (ORS) instruments are at the focus of the science operations during this fly-by. The Imaging Science Subsystem camera will execute a sophisticated series of images starting just 2 minutes after closest-approach, obtaining images of the south polar “tiger stripes” at resolutions as high as 8.4 m/pixel. Enceladus will be in eclipse (in Saturn’s shadow) for about 2.5 hours, starting about 50 minutes after closest-approach.

In honor of the Halloween, the Cassini website has posted Spooky Sounds from Saturn. Check it out!

Sources: Cassini website, SATNews

Violent Polar Cyclones on Saturn Imaged in Unprecedented Detail by Cassini

These two previously released infrared images of Saturn show the entire south polar region with the hurricane-like vortex in the center. The top image shows the polar region in false color, with red, green, and blue depicting the appearance of the pole in three different near-infrared colors (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)
These two previously released infrared images of Saturn show the entire south polar region with the hurricane-like vortex in the center. The top image shows the polar region in false color, with red, green, and blue depicting the appearance of the pole in three different near-infrared colors (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)


The Cassini mission has released some of the most detailed images of Saturn’s poles yet, revealing vast cyclones churning up the gas giant’s atmosphere in the north and south. These observations show very similar storms to the south pole observations imaged by the NASA spacecraft in 2006, only in far better detail. It is believed the north and south cyclones are generated by violent thunderstorms deep inside Saturn’s atmosphere; water condensing inside these storms output heat, fuelling the vortex extending 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometres) in diameter. The smallest features resolved are 120 kilometre (75 mile)-wide cumulus clouds rotating at velocities in excess of 325 mph (530 kph), more than twice the wind speed possible on Earth…

and the mystery north pole hexagon is still there.

This is a side-by-side view of large cyclones at the north (left) and south (right) poles of Saturn taken in June 2008 by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer onboard the Cassini spacecraft (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)
Images of the large cyclones at the north (left) and south (right) poles of Saturn taken in June 2008 by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer onboard the Cassini spacecraft (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)
Cassini has wowed scientists with these brand new views of Saturn’s north pole. With detail at 10-times higher resolution than previously attained, Cassini has shown that both poles have vast swirling cyclones that highlight regions of planet-wide storm activity.

These are truly massive cyclones, hundreds of times stronger than the most giant hurricanes on Earth,” said Kevin Baines, Cassini scientist on the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Dozens of puffy, convectively formed cumulus clouds swirl around both poles, betraying the presence of giant thunderstorms lurking beneath. Thunderstorms are the likely engine for these giant weather systems.”

The Saturn hexagon as seen by Voyager 1 in 1980 (NASA)
The Saturn hexagon as seen by Voyager 1 in 1980 (NASA)
Interestingly, the northern storm observation still shows the mysterious hexagonal shape (as originally verified in 2006, after a sighting by Voyager 1 in 1980), only in far greater detail. Scientists are still uncertain why the northern cyclone should take such a stable form; the clouds within the hexagonal shape spin at high speeds without interfering with its six-sided shape.

Previous observations appeared to show an outer ring of high clouds surrounding a region thought to be clear air with a few puffy clouds circulating around the pole. These brand new images reveal a far more complex picture. The circulating clouds are actually smaller convective storms forming other, more distinct rings.

Oblique view of Saturn's south polar vortex. The Sun is located above the top-right-hand corner, showing the shadows of clouds towering above the vortex (NASA)
Oblique view of Saturns south polar vortex (NASA)

Tony DelGenio of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and Cassini imaging team member explains the scene: “What looked like puffy clouds in lower resolution images [from 2006] are turning out to be deep convective structures seen through the atmospheric haze. One of them has punched through to a higher altitude and created its own little vortex.”

These clouds push high above the main weather system, casting long shadows, indicating they are 25-45 miles (40-70 km) above the vortex rings (pictured above). These also appears to be an inner ring of clear air (the “eye” of the storm) over the poles, that appeared bigger in previous observations.

For me, the most perplexing feature to come out of these new Cassini observations is the enduring hexagonal shape in the circulating clouds. In 2006 when the lower-resolution north pole observations were released, many made the assumption that it was an unstable transient feature, appearing for a short period, only to disappear soon afterwards. But over a year later, the hexagon remains, as six-sided as ever. I’d guess this shape could be some atmospheric standing wave, what do you think?

See the Cassini video of the north pole hexagon being buffetted by the high-speed winds surrounding it »


Cassini To Buzz Enceladus Oct. 9

Enceladus flyby. Artwork courtesy Karl Kofoed.

The Cassini spacecraft will make two close passes of Saturn’s geyser-spewing moon Enceladus this month. The first one on October 9 is the closest flyby yet of any moon of Saturn, at a white-knuckle distance of only 25 kilometers (16 miles) from the surface. The not-quite-as-scary Halloween flyby on Oct. 31 will be farther out, at 196 kilometers (122 miles). The focus of the Oct. 9 is the plume of the moon’s geyser, and the spacecraft’s fields and particles instruments will venture deeper into the plume than ever before, directly sampling the particles and gases. Scientists are intrigued by the possibility that liquid water, perhaps even an ocean, may exist beneath the surface of Enceladus. Trace amounts of organics have also been detected, raising tantalizing possibilities about the moon’s habitability.

While Cassini’s cameras and other optical instruments were the focus of an earlier flyby in August, this time the emphasis will be on the composition of the plume rather than imaging the surface.

“We know that Enceladus produces a few hundred kilograms per second of gas and dust and that this material is mainly water vapor and water ice,” said Tamas Gambosi, Cassini scientist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. “The water vapor and the evaporation from the ice grains contribute most of the mass found in Saturn’s magnetosphere.

“One of the overarching scientific puzzles we are trying to understand is what happens to the gas and dust released from Enceladus, including how some of the gas is transformed to ionized plasma and is disseminated throughout the magnetosphere,” said Gambosi.

The Oct. 9 flyby will be only 25 kilometers (16 miles) from the surface. The Oct. 31 flyby is farther out, at 196 kilometers (122 miles).   Credit: NASA/JPL
The Oct. 9 flyby will be only 25 kilometers (16 miles) from the surface. The Oct. 31 flyby is farther out, at 196 kilometers (122 miles). Credit: NASA/JPL

On Oct. 31, the cameras and other optical remote sensing instruments will be front and center, imaging the fractures that slash across the moon’s south polar region like stripes on a tiger.

These two flybys might augment findings from the most recent Enceladus flyby, which hint at possible changes associated with the icy moon. Cassini’s Aug. 11 encounter with Enceladus showed temperatures over one of the tiger-stripe fractures were lower than those measured in earlier flybys. The fracture, called Damascus Sulcus, was about 160 to 167 Kelvin (minus 171 to minus 159 degrees Fahrenheit), below the 180 Kelvin (minus 136 degrees Fahrenheit) reported from a flyby in March of this year.

“We don’t know yet if this is due to a real cooling of this tiger stripe, or to the fact that we were looking much closer, at a relatively small area, and might have missed the warmest spot,” said John Spencer, Cassini scientist on the composite infrared spectrometer, at the Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colo.

Results from Cassini’s magnetometer instrument during the August flyby suggest a difference in the intensity of the plume compared to earlier encounters. Information from the next two flybys will help scientists understand these observations.

Four more Enceladus flybys are planned in the next two years, bringing the total number to seven during Cassini’s extended mission, called the Cassini Equinox Mission.
The Enceladus geysers were discovered by Cassini in 2005. Since then, scientists have been intrigued about what powers them, because the moon is so tiny, roughly the width of Arizona at only 500 kilometers (310 miles) in diameter.

Source: Cassini Press Release

Saturn’s Eerie Radio Emissions Mapped in 3-D

Projection of radio sources onto plane perpendicular to line between Cassini and the centre of Saturn


While Saturn and its rings are beautiful and wondrous, the sounds of Saturn are eerie and strange. Scientists have been trying to understand the bizarre radio emissions that come from the ringed planet, called the Saturn Kilometric Radiation (SKR). Scientists have used observations from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft build a 3-D picture of these intense radio emissions emanating from Saturn’s magnetic field. The SKR radio emissions are generated by high-energy electrons spiraling around magnetic field lines threaded through Saturn’s auroras.

Previous Cassini observations have shown that the SKR is closely correlated with the intensity of Saturn’s UV aurora and the pressure of the solar wind. “The animation shows radio sources clustered around curving magnetic field lines,” said Dr. Baptiste Cecconi, of LESIA, Observatoire de Paris. “Because the radio signals are beamed out from the source in a cone-shape, we can only detect the sources as Cassini flies through the cone. When Cassini flies at high altitudes over the ring planes, we see the sources clearly clustered around one or two field lines. However, at low latitudes we get more refraction and so the sources appear to be scattered.”

Link to 3-D animation.

The active area of the magnetic field matched up with near-polar latitudes degrees in both the northern and southern hemisphere, the location of Saturn’s UV aurora.

“For the purposes of the model, we’ve imagined a screen that cuts through the middle of Saturn, set up at right-angles to the line between Cassini and the centre of the planet. We’ve mapped the footprints of the radio sources projected onto the screen, which tilts as Cassini moves along its orbital path and its orientation with respect to Saturn changes. We’ve also traced the footprints of the magnetic field lines back to the cloud tops of Saturn,” said Cecconi.

Listen to the sounds of Saturn.

Although there were some minor differences between emissions in the northern and southern hemispheres, the emissions were strongest in the western part of Saturn’ss sunlit hemisphere. This area corresponds to a region of Saturn’s magnetopause where electrons are thought to be accelerated by the interaction of the solar wind and Saturn’s magnetic field.

The measurements were made using Cassini’s Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) experiment.

Cecconi presented his results at the European Planetary Science Congress on Tuesday, September 23rd.

Source: European Planetary Science Congress


Saturn’s Rings May Be Billions of Years Old

Saturn's rings. Credit: NASA/JPL

Saturn’s enigmatic rings may be much older and also much more massive than previously thought, according to a new study. Because Saturn’s rings look so clean and bright, it was thought the rings were younger than the planet itself, which is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old. But using data from the Cassini spacecraft’s UVIS (Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph) instrument, Principal Investigator Dr. Larry Esposito and his team used computer simulations to study colliding particles in Saturn’s rings and their erosion by meteorites. Their results support the possibility that Saturn’s rings formed billions of years ago, perhaps at the time when giant impacts excavated the great basins on the Moon. The findings also suggest that giant exoplanets may also commonly have rings.

“Both Cassini observations and theoretical calculations can allow the rings of Saturn to be billions of years old. This means we humans are not just lucky to see rings around Saturn. This would lead us to expect massive rings also to surround giant planets circling other stars,” said Esposito.

Also, simulations run by Esposito’s colleagues Glen Stewart and Stuart Robbins from the University of Colorado showed that Saturn’s ring particles clump together, meaning previous estimates of the mass might be too low, perhaps by a factor of 3.

Saturns rings strip.  Credit:  NASA/JPL
Saturns rings strip. Credit: NASA/JPL

Meteorites slowly grind and shatter the particles in the ring. Gradually, a layer of dust and fragments builds up and covers each particle, making each particle more massive while “cleaning up” the rings.

Recycling of ring material extends their lifetime and reduces the darkening that was expected previous to this study if the rings were older.

One problem with this proposal for more massive and ancient rings is that the Pioneer 11 space mission to Saturn in 1979 measured the ring mass indirectly by observing charged particles created by cosmic rays bombarding the rings.

“Those mass estimates were similar to the ones from Voyager star occultations, apparently confirming the previous low mass value. However, we now recognize that the charged particles are double-valued. That means they could arise from either a small or large mass. We now see that the larger mass value could be consistent with the underestimates due to ring clumpiness,” said Esposito.

Source: European Planetary Science Congress

Saturn’s Glowing Rings

Saturn's G ring straight on. Credit: NASA/JPL


The Cassini spacecraft recently flew through the plane of Saturn’s rings and took this straight-on image of the G ring, showing a bright arc of material seen here as it rounds the ring’s edge, or ansa. The spacecraft also took images of the moons Mimas and Calypso (see below). In the image here, the diffuse glow at left shows the extended nature of this faint ring. The view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from less than a degree below the ringplane. The ring moved against the background stars during this exposure, creating the star trails seen here. Cassini scientists and engineers are preparing for an upcoming flyby of the moon Enceladus on October 9. This is the second of seven targeted Enceladus fly-bys in the Extended Mission., and the spacecraft will pass through the moon’s geyser-like plumes in an attempt to measure fields and particles.

Cassini spacecraft scientists think the bright arc in the G Ring contains relatively large, icy particles held in place by a gravitational an orbital resonance with the moon Mimas. Micrometeoroids collide with the large particles, releasing smaller, dust-sized particles that brighten the arc. The plasma in the giant planet’s magnetic field sweeps through this arc continually, dragging out the fine particles and creating the G ring. The ring arc orbits Saturn along the inner edge of the G ring. The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Aug. 22, 2008, from about 1.2 million kilometers (740,000 miles) from Saturn.

Here’s the image of Mimas and the rings:
Mimas and Saturn's Rings.  Credit:  NASA/JPL

And one of Calypso, too:

Calypso and Saturn's Rings.  Credit:  NASA/JPL

Source: Cassini web page, Twitter

Cassini Images Ring Arcs Among Two of Saturn’s Moons

Anthe and arc of ring material. Credit: NASA/JPL

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has imaged a faint, partial ring orbiting with one small moon of Saturn, and has confirmed the presence of another partial ring orbiting with a second moon. This is further evidence that most of the planet’s small, inner moons orbit within partial or complete rings. Recent Cassini images show material, called ring arcs, extending ahead of and behind the small moons Anthe and Methone in their orbits. The new findings indicate that the gravitational influence of nearby moons on ring particles might be the deciding factor in whether an arc or complete ring is formed.

Both Anthe and Methone orbit Saturn in locations, called resonances, where the gravity of the nearby larger moon Mimas disturbs their orbits. Gravitational resonances are also responsible for many of the structures in Saturn’s magnificent rings. Mimas provides a regular gravitational tug on each moon, which causes the moons to skip forward and backward within an arc-shaped region along their orbital paths, according to Nick Cooper, a Cassini imaging team associate from Queen Mary, University of London. “When we realized that the Anthe and Methone ring arcs were very similar in appearance to the region in which the moons swing back and forth in their orbits due to their resonance with Mimas, we knew we had a possible cause-and-effect relationship,” Cooper said.
Arrows indicate the positions of Anthe, at top left, and Methone, at bottom right.  Credit:  NASA/JPL

Scientists believe the faint ring arcs from Anthe and Methone likely consist of material knocked off these small moons by micrometeoroid impacts. This material does not spread all the way around Saturn to form a complete ring, because of the gravitational resonance with Mimas. That interaction confines the material to a narrow region along the orbits of the moons.

This is the first detection of an arc of material near Anthe. The Methone arc was previously detected by Cassini’s Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument, and the new images confirm its presence.

Source: JPL Press Release

Cassini Pinpoints Source of Jets on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

The Baghdad and Cairo Sulci, sources of geysers on Enceladus. Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Cassini scientists have been “bee-busy” poring over the images from the August 11 flyby of Saturn’s geyser-spewing moon Enceladus, says Carolyn Porco, the lead for the imaging team. And quickly, they have found exactly what they were looking for: Cassini has pinpointed precisely where the icy jets erupt from the moon’s geologically active moon surface. Enceladus. “This is the mother lode for us,” said Porco, “a place that may ultimately reveal just exactly what kind of environment — habitable or not — we have within this tortured little moon.”

New carefully targeted pictures reveal exquisite details in the prominent south polar “tiger stripe” fractures from which the jets emanate. The images show the fractures are about 300 meters (980 feet) deep, with V-shaped inner walls. The outer flanks of some of the fractures show extensive deposits of fine material. Finely fractured terrain littered with blocks of ice tens of meters in size and larger (the size of small houses) surround the fractures.

Damscus Sulcus, another source of geysers on Enceladus.  Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Damscus Sulcus, another source of geysers on Enceladus. Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

One highly anticipated result of this flyby was finding the location within the fractures from which the jets blast icy particles, water vapor and trace organics into space. Scientists are now studying the nature and intensity of this process on Enceladus, and its effects on surrounding terrain. This information, coupled with observations by Cassini’s other instruments, may answer the question of whether reservoirs of liquid water exist beneath the surface.

The high-resolution images were acquired as Cassini sped past the icy moon at 64,000 kilometers per hour (40,000 miles per hour). A special technique, dubbed “skeet shooting” by the imaging team, was developed to cancel out the high speed of the moon relative to Cassini and obtain the ultra-sharp views.

“Knowing exactly where to point, at just the right time, was critical to this event,” said Paul Helfenstein, Cassini imaging team associate at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY., who developed and used the skeet-shoot technique to design the image sequence. “The challenge is equivalent to trying to capture a sharp, unsmeared picture of a distant roadside billboard with a telephoto lens out the window of a speeding car.”

False color mosaic shows the south pole region where the jets emanate.  Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
False color mosaic shows the south pole region where the jets emanate. Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

The tiger stripes, officially called sulci, have been named for characters and places from “The Arabian Nights.” The yellow circles on the images indicate the sources of the jets.

Helfenstein said that from Cassini’s point of view, “Enceladus was streaking across the sky so quickly that the spacecraft had no hope of tracking any feature on its surface. Our best option was to point the spacecraft far ahead of Enceladus, spin the spacecraft and camera as fast as possible in the direction of Enceladus’ predicted path, and let Enceladus overtake us at a time when we could match its motion across the sky, snapping images along the way.”

For scientists, having the combination of high-resolution snapshots and broader images showing the whole region is critical for understanding what may be powering the activity on Enceladus.

“There appears to have been extensive fallout of icy particles to the ground, along some of the fractures, even in areas that lie between two jet source locations, though any immediate effects of presently active jets are subtle,” said Porco.

Imaging scientists suggest that once warm vapor rises from underground to the cold surface through narrow channels, the icy particles may condense and seal off an active vent. New jets may then appear elsewhere along the same fracture.

“For the first time, we are beginning to understand how freshly erupted surface deposits differ from older deposits,” said Helfenstein, an icy moons expert. “Over geologic time, the eruptions have clearly moved up and down the lengths of the tiger stripes.”

News Source: NASA/JPL