Radio Telescopes Will Contribute to Huygens’ Mission

When the European Space Agency’s Huygens spacecraft makes its plunge into the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan on January 14, radio telescopes of the National Science Foundation’s National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) will help international teams of scientists extract the maximum possible amount of irreplaceable information from an experiment unique in human history. Huygens is the 700-pound probe that has accompanied the larger Cassini spacecraft on a mission to thoroughly explore Saturn, its rings and its numerous moons.

The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia and eight of the ten telescopes of the continent-wide Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), located at Pie Town and Los Alamos, NM, Fort Davis, TX, North Liberty, IA, Kitt Peak, AZ, Brewster, WA, Owens Valley, CA, and Mauna Kea, HI, will directly receive the faint signal from Huygens during its descent.

Along with other radio telescopes in Australia, Japan, and China, the NRAO facilities will add significantly to the information about Titan and its atmosphere that will be gained from the Huygens mission. A European-led team will use the radio telescopes to make extremely precise measurements of the probe’s position during its descent, while a U.S.-led team will concentrate on gathering measurements of the probe’s descent speed and the direction of its motion. The radio-telescope measurements will provide data vital to gaining a full understanding of the winds that Huygens encounters in Titan’s atmosphere.

Currently, scientists know little about Titan’s winds. Data from the Voyager I spacecraft’s 1980 flyby indicated that east-west winds may reach 225 mph or more. North-south winds and possible vertical winds, while probably much weaker, may still be significant. There are competing theoretical models of Titan’s winds, and the overall picture is best summarized as poorly understood. Predictions of where the Huygens probe will land range from nearly 250 miles east to nearly 125 miles west of the point where its parachute first deploys, depending on which wind model is used. What actually happens to the probe as it makes its parachute descent through Titan’s atmosphere will give scientists their best-ever opportunity to learn about Titan’s winds.

During its descent, Huygens will transmit data from its onboard sensors to Cassini, the “mother ship” that brought it to Titan. Cassini will then relay the data back to Earth. However, the large radio telescopes will be able to receive the faint (10-watt) signal from Huygens directly, even at a distance of nearly 750 million miles. This will not be done to duplicate the data collection, but to generate new data about Huygens’ position and motions through direct measurement.

Measurements of the Doppler shift in the frequency of Huygens’ radio signal made from the Cassini spacecraft, in an experiment led by Mike Bird of the University of Bonn, will largely give information about the speed of Titan’s east-west winds. A team led by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, will measure the Doppler shift in the probe’s signal relative to Earth. These additional Doppler measurements from the Earth-based radio telescopes will provide important data needed to learn about the north-south winds.

“Adding the ground-based telescopes to the experiment will not only help confirm the data we get from the Cassini orbiter but also will allow us to get a much more complete picture of the winds on Titan,” said William Folkner, a JPL scientist.

Another team, led by scientists from the Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry in Europe (JIVE), in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, will use a world-wide network of radio telescopes, including the NRAO telescopes, to track the probe’s trajectory with unprecedented accuracy. They expect to measure the probe’s position within two-thirds of a mile (1 kilometer) at a distance of nearly 750 million miles.

“That’s like being able to sit in your back yard and watch the ball in a ping-pong game being played on the Moon,” said Leonid Gurvits of JIVE.

Both the JPL and JIVE teams will record the data collected by the radio telescopes and process it later. In the case of the Doppler measurements, some real-time information may be available, depending on the strength of the signal, but the scientists on this team also plan to do their detailed analysis on recorded data.

The JPL team is utilizing special instrumentation from the Deep Space Network called Radio Science Receivers. One will be loaned to the GBT and another to the Parkes radio observatory. “This is the same instrument that allowed us to support the challenging communications during the landing of the Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers as well as the Cassini Saturn Orbit Insertion when the received radio signal was very weak,” said Sami Asmar, the JPL scientist responsible for the data recording.

When the Galileo spacecraft’s probe entered Jupiter’s atmosphere in 1995, a JPL team used the NSF’s Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico to directly track the probe’s signal. Adding the data from the VLA to that experiment dramatically improved the accuracy of the wind-speed measurements.

“The Galileo probe gave us a surprise. Contrary to some predictions, we learned that Jupiter’s winds got stronger as we went deeper into its atmosphere. That tells us that those deeper winds are not driven entirely by sunlight, but also by heat coming up from the planet’s core. If we get lucky at Titan, we’ll get surprises there, too,” said Robert Preston, another JPL scientist.

The Huygens probe is a spacecraft built by the European Space Agency (ESA). In addition to the NRAO telescopes, the JPL Doppler Wind Experiment will use the Australia Telescope National Facility and other radio telescopes in Parkes, Mopra, and Ceduna, Australia; Hobart, Tasmania; Urumqi and Shanghai, China; and Kashima, Japan. The positional measurements are a project led by JIVE and involving ESA, the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, the University of Bonn, Helsinki University of Technology, JPL, the Australia Telescope National Facility, the National Astronomical Observatories of China, the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, and the National Institute for Communication Technologies in Kashima, Japan.

The Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe is funded by the national research councils, national facilities and institutes of The Netherlands (NWO and ASTRON), the United Kingdom (PPARC), Italy (CNR), Sweden (Onsala Space Observatory, National Facility), Spain (IGN) and Germany (MPIfR). The European VLBI Network is a joint facility of European, Chinese, South African and other radio astronomy institutes funded by their national research councils. The Australia Telescope is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Original Source: NRAO News Release

Huygens Ready for Release

The highlights of the first year of the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn can be broken into two chapters: first, the arrival of the Cassini orbiter at Saturn in June, and second, the release of the Huygens probe on Dec. 24, 2004, on a path toward Titan.

Artist’s concept of Cassini releasing the Huygens probe to Titan.
The Huygens probe, built and managed by the European Space Agency (ESA), is bolted to Cassini and fed electrical power through an umbilical cable. It has been riding along during the nearly seven-year journey to Saturn largely in a “sleep” mode, awakened every six months for three-hour instrument and engineering checkups. In three days, it will be cut loose from its mother ship and will coast toward Saturn’s moon Titan, arriving on Jan. 14, 2005.

“As partners with ESA, one of our obligations was to carry the Huygens probe to Saturn and drop it off at Titan,” said Robert T. Mitchell, Cassini program manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. “We’ve done the first part, and on Christmas Eve we will release Huygens and tension-loaded springs will gently push it away from Cassini onto a ballistic free-fall path to Titan.”

Once freed from Cassini, the Huygens probe will remain dormant until the onboard timer wakes it up shortly before the probe reaches Titan’s upper atmosphere on Jan. 14. Then it will begin a dramatic plunge through Titan’s murky atmosphere, tasting the chemical makeup and composition as it descends to touch down on its surface. The data gathered during this 2-1/2 hour descent will be transmitted from the probe to the Cassini orbiter. Afterward, Cassini will point its antenna to Earth and relay the data through NASA’s Deep Space Network to JPL and on to ESA’s Space Operations Center in Darmstadt, Germany, which serves as the operations center for the Huygens probe mission. From this control center, ESA engineers will be tracking the probe and scientists will be standing by to process the data from the probe’s six instruments.

Currently, both the orbiter and the probe are on an impact trajectory with Titan. This is the only way to ensure that Cassini delivers the probe in the right location. A confirmation of successful release is expected to be received from NASA’s Deep Space Network tracking stations at Madrid, Spain and Goldstone, Calif., shortly before 8:00 p.m. PST on Dec. 24. A team of JPL engineers and ESA mission managers will be monitoring spacecraft activities at JPL during the release phase of the mission.

On Dec. 27, the Cassini orbiter will perform a deflection maneuver to keep it from following Huygens into Titan’s atmosphere. This maneuver will also establish the required geometry between the probe and the orbiter for radio communications during the probe descent.

Two of the instruments on ESA’s Huygens probe, the descent imager and spectral radiometer camera and the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, are contributions from NASA and American academia.

The imaging camera will take advantage of the Huygens probe’s rotation, using two imagers to observe the surface of Titan during the late stages of descent for a view of the regions around the impact site. A side-looking imager will view the horizon and the underside of any cloud deck. More than just a camera, the instrument is designed to measure concentrations of argon and methane in the atmosphere and determine the size and density of particles. The instrument will also determine if the local surface is a solid or liquid, and if solid, its topography. The principal investigator is Dr. Martin G. Tomasko of the University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.

Although Titan’s atmosphere is primarily nitrogen and methane, scientists believe it contains many other gases that are present only in small amounts. These trace gases can reveal critical details about the origin and evolution of Titan’s atmosphere. Because trace gases are rare, they are difficult or impossible to observe remotely, so direct measurements must be made.

The gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer instrument will sample gas directly from Titan’s atmosphere as the Huygens probe descends by parachute. Data from the instrument will allow researchers to investigate the chemical composition, origin and evolution of the atmosphere of Titan. The instrument was designed and built by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., and is led by the principal investigator, Dr. Hasso Niemann.

Updates on the Huygens probe release will be available at: and . The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter. The European Space Agency built and managed the development of the Huygens probe and is in charge of the probe operations. The Italian Space Agency provided the high-gain antenna, much of the radio system and elements of several of Cassini’s science instruments.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Lighting Storms on Saturn

As NASA’s Cassini spacecraft approached Saturn last July, it found evidence that lightning on Saturn is roughly one million times stronger than lightning on Earth.

That’s just one of several Cassini findings that University of Iowa Space Physicist Don Gurnett will present in a paper to be published Thursday, Dec. 16, in Science Express, an online version of the journal Science, and in a talk to be delivered Friday, Dec. 17, at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Other findings include:
–Cassini impacted dust particles as it traversed Saturn’s rings.
–Saturn’s radio rotation rate varies.

The comparison between Saturn’s enormously strong lightning and Earth’s lightning began several years ago as the Cassini spacecraft prepared for its journey to Saturn by swinging past the Earth to receive a gravitational boost. At that time, Cassini started detecting radio signals from Earth’s lightning as far out as 89,200 kilometers from the Earth’s surface. In contrast, as Cassini approached Saturn, it started detecting radio signals from lightning about 161 million kilometers from the planet. “This means that radio signals from Saturn’s lightning are on the order of one million times stronger than Earth’s lightning. That’s just astonishing to me!” says Gurnett, who notes that some radio signals have been linked to storm systems observed by the Cassini imaging instrument.

Earth’s lightning is commonly detected on AM radios, a technique similar to that used by scientists monitoring signals from Cassini.

Regarding Saturn’s rings, Gurnett says that the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument detected large numbers of dust impacts on the spacecraft. Gurnett and his science team found that as Cassini approached the inbound ring plane crossing, the impact rate began to increase dramatically some two minutes before the ring plane crossing, then reached a peak of more than 1,000 per second at almost exactly the time of the ring plane crossing, and finally decreased to pre-existing levels about two minutes later. Gurnett notes that the particles are probably quite small, only a few microns in diameter, otherwise they would have damaged the spacecraft.

Finally, variations in Saturn’s radio rotation rate came as a surprise. Based upon more than one year of Cassini measurements, the rate is 10 hours 45 minutes and 45 seconds, plus or minus 36 seconds. That’s about six minutes longer than the value recorded by the Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of Saturn in 1980-81. Scientists use the rotation rate of radio emissions from the giant gas planets such as Saturn and Jupiter to determine the rotation rate of the planets themselves because the planets have no solid surfaces and are covered by clouds that make direct visual measurements impossible.

Gurnett suggests that the change in the radio rotation rate is difficult to explain. “Saturn is unique in that its magnetic axis is almost exactly aligned with its rotational axis. That means there is no rotationally induced wobble in the magnetic field, so there must be some secondary effect controlling the radio emission. We hope to nail that down during the next four to eight years of the Cassini mission.”

One possible scenario was suggested nearly 20 years ago. Writing in the May 1985 issue of “Geophysical Research Letters,” Alex J. Dessler, a senior research scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, argued that the magnetic fields of gaseous giant planets, such as Saturn and Jupiter, are more like that of the sun than of the Earth. The sun’s magnetic field does not rotate as a solid body. Instead, its rotation period varies with latitude. Commenting earlier this year on the work of Gurnett and his team, Dessler said, “This finding is very significant because it demonstrates that the idea of a rigidly rotating magnetic field is wrong. Saturn’s magnetic field has more in common with the sun than the Earth. The measurement can be interpreted as showing that the part of Saturn’s magnetic field that controls the radio emissions has moved to a higher latitude during the last two decades.”

The radio sounds of Saturn’s rotation — resembling a heartbeat — and other sounds of space can be heard by visiting Gurnett’s Web site at:

Cassini, carrying 12 scientific instruments, on June 30, 2004, became the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn and begin a four-year study of the planet, its rings and its 31 known moons. The $1.4 billion spacecraft is part of the $3.3 billion Cassini-Huygens Mission that includes the Huygens probe, a six-instrument European Space Agency probe, scheduled to land on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, in January 2005.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter. For the latest images and information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit:

Original Source: UI News Release

Saturn’s Environment is Driven By Ice

Ice particles are key players in the ever-changing panorama at Saturn, according to a new study led by a University of Colorado at Boulder professor using an instrument on the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft now at the ringed planet.

Larry Esposito of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics said data from the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer, or UVIS, indicates much of Saturn’s system is filled with ice, as well as atoms derived from water. Esposito is the principal investigator for the $12.5 million UVIS instrument riding on the craft.

Esposito said hydrogen and oxygen atoms are widely distributed in the planetary system, which extends millions of miles outward from Saturn. Cassini researchers are seeing large fluctuations in the amount of oxygen in the Saturn system, he said.

“A possible explanation for the fluctuation in oxygen is that small, unseen icy moons have been colliding with Saturn’s E ring,” said Esposito. “The collisions may have produced small grains of ice, which yielded oxygen atoms when struck by energetic, charged particles in Saturn’s magnetosphere. UVIS is able to identify these glowing atoms.”

A paper on the subject authored by Esposito and colleagues appears in the Dec. 16 issue of Science Express, the online version of Science magazine. Esposito also will give a presentation on the new results from the Cassini-Huygens mission at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, being held this week through Friday in San Francisco.

Saturn’s ring particles may have formed originally from pure ice, Esposito said. But they have since been subjected to continual bombardment by meteorites, which has contaminated the ice and caused the rings to darken.

Over time, incessant meteorite bombardment has likely spread the dirty material resulting from the collisions widely among the ring particles, he said. But instead of uniformly dark rings, the UVIS instrument is recording “radial variations” that show brighter and darker bands in the individual rings.

“The evidence indicates that in the last 10 million to 100 million years, fresh material probably was added to the ring system,” he said. The research team proposed that such “renewal events” are from the fragmentation of small moons, each probably about 20 kilometers (12 miles) across.

“The interiors of the tiny moonlets, which have been shielded from contamination by the continual collisions with each other, are the source of purer water ice,” he said. “Both the oxygen fluctuation and the spectral variation in Saturn’s rings support a model of ring history in which small moons are continually destroyed to produce new rings.”

The ice grains released by the continual moonlet collisions are bathed by Saturn’s radiation belt, liberating the oxygen atoms that are seen by UVIS in the ultraviolet as they reflect sunlight in the immense cloud surrounding Saturn, said Esposito.

Other authors on the Science Express paper include LASP’s Joshua Colwell, Kristopher Larsen, William McClintock and Ian Stewart. Researchers from the University of Southern California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Central Arizona University, the California Institute of Technology and the Max Planck Institute and Stuttgart University in Germany also co-authored the paper.

Launched in 1997, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft achieved Saturn orbit June 30. During the spacecraft’s four-year tour of the Saturn system, the UVIS team will continue to track the dynamic interactions of the planet’s rings, moons and radiation belts, Esposito said.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C.

Original Source: UCB News Release

Titan’s Layered Atmosphere

Cassini’s second close flyby of Titan completes a ‘before’ and ‘after’ look at the fuzzy moon and provides the first direct evidence of changing weather patterns in the skies over Titan.

In images obtained less than two months ago, the Titan skies were cloud free, except for a patch of clouds observed over the moon’s south pole. In images taken Monday, Dec. 13, during Cassini’s second close flyby of Titan, several extensive patches of clouds have formed.

“We see for the first time discrete cloud features at mid-latitudes, which means we see direct evidence of weather, and we can get wind speeds and atmospheric circulation over a region we hadn?t been able to measure before,” said Dr. Kevin Baines, Cassini science-team member with the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

The latest data and other results from Cassini’s close observations of Saturn’s moons Titan and Dione were presented today at a news conference during the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in San Francisco.

Cassini swept within 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) of Titan’s surface on Monday, and took a close look at the icy moon Dione just one day later. During the flyby, Cassini captured a stunning view of Titan’s night side with the atmosphere shimmering in its own glow. This allows scientists to study the detached haze layers, which extend some 400 kilometers (249 miles) above Titan.

Images from Cassini’s cameras show regions on Titan that had not been seen clearly before, as well as fine details in Titan?s intermittent clouds. The surface features may be impact related, but without information on their height, it is too soon to know for sure. No definitive craters have been seen in these images, though several bright rings or circular features are seen in dark terrain.

Cassini imaging scientists are intrigued by the complex braided structure of surface fractures on Dione. To the surprise of scientists, the wispy terrain features do not consist of thick ice deposits, but bright ice cliffs created by tectonic features. ?This is one of the most surprising results so far. It just wasn?t what we expected,? said Dr. Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader, Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

Other Cassini results presented at the meeting included observations made by the ultraviolet imaging spectrograph instrument, which indicates that the nearby environment of the rings and moons in the Saturn system is filled with ice, and atoms derived from water. Cassini researchers are seeing large changes in the amount of oxygen atoms in the Saturn system. A possible explanation for the fluctuation in oxygen is that small, unseen icy moons have been colliding with Saturn’s E ring,” said Dr. Larry Esposito, principal investigator of the imaging spectrograph instrument, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. “These collisions may have produced small grains of ice, which yielded oxygen atoms.” Esposito presented these findings at the meeting, and a paper on the subject appears in the online version of the journal Science.

According to Esposito, Saturn’s ring particles may have formed originally from pure ice. But they have since been subjected to continual bombardment by meteorites, which has contaminated the ice and caused the rings to darken. Over time, continuous meteorite bombardment has likely spread the dirty material resulting from the collisions over a wide area in the rings. “The evidence indicates that in the last 10 to 100 million years, fresh material probably was added to the ring system,” said Esposito. These renewal events are from fragments of small moons, each probably about 20 kilometers (12 miles) across.

Images and more information about the Cassini mission are available at and .

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter. The European Space Agency built and managed the development of the Huygens probe and is in charge of the probe operations. The Italian Space Agency provided the high-gain antenna, much of the radio system and elements of several of Cassini’s science instruments.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Cassini’s Approach to Dione

Cassini captured Dione against the globe of Saturn as it approached the icy moon for its close rendezvous on Dec. 14, 2004. This natural color view shows the moon has strong variations in brightness across its surface, but a remarkable lack of color, compared to the warm hues of Saturn’s atmosphere. Several oval-shaped storms are present in the planet’s atmosphere, along with ripples and waves in the cloud bands.

The images used to create this view were obtained with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera at a distance of approximately 603,000 kilometers (375,000 miles) from Dione through a filter sensitive to wavelengths of ultraviolet light centered at 338 nanometers. The Sun-Dione-spacecraft, or phase, angle is 34 degrees. The image scale is about 32 kilometers (20 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and the Cassini imaging team home page,

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

New Storms Seen on Titan

Using adaptive optics on the Gemini North and Keck 2 telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawai’i, a U.S. team has discovered a new phenomenon in the atmosphere of Saturn?s largest moon Titan.

Unlike previous observations showing storms at the south pole, these new images reveal atmospheric disturbances at Titan?s temperate mid latitudes?about halfway between the equator and the poles. Explaining the unexpected activity has proven difficult, and the team speculates that the storms could be driven by anything from short-term surface events to shifts in global wind patterns.

?We were fortunate to catch these new mid-latitude clouds when they first appeared in early 2004,” said team leader Henry Roe (California Institute of Technology). “We are not yet certain how their formation is triggered. Continued observations over the next few years will show us whether these clouds are the result of a seasonal change in weather patterns or a surface-related phenomenon.”

The causes of these storms might include activities that disturb the atmosphere from the surface. It?s possible that geysers of methane ?slush? are brewing from below, or a warm spot on Titan?s surface is heating the atmosphere. Cryovolcanism?volcanic activity that spews an icy mix of chemicals?has also been suggested as one mechanism that would cause disturbances. It?s also possible that the storms are driven by seasonal shifts in the global winds that circulate in the upper atmosphere. Hints about what is happening on this frigid world could be obtained as the Huygens probe from the Cassini mission drops through Titan?s atmosphere in mid-January, 2005.

The Gemini-Keck II observations were the result of good timing and telescope availability. According to Gemini scientist Chad Trujillo, Titan?s weather patterns can be stable for many months, with only occasional bursts of unusual activity like these recently discovered atmospheric features. The chances of catching such occurrences depend largely on the availability of flexible scheduling like that used at Gemini. “This flexible scheduling is absolutely critical to Titan meteorology studies,? he said. ?Imagine how hard it would be to understand the Earth’s diverse meteorological phenomena if you only saw a weather report a few nights every year.”

Like Earth, Titan is surrounded by a thick atmosphere of mostly nitrogen. Conditions on Earth allow water to exist in liquid, solid, or vapor states, depending on localized temperatures and pressures. The phase changes of water between these states are an important factor in the formation of weather in our atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere is so cold that any water is frozen solid, but conditions are such that methane can move between liquid, solid, and gaseous states. This leads to a methane meteorological cycle on Titan in analogy to the water-based weather cycle on Earth.

As it does on Earth, seasonal solar heating can drive atmospheric activity on Titan, and this could be the mechanism behind the previously observed south polar clouds. However, the new temperate-latitude cloud formations cannot be explained by the same solar heating process If a seasonal circulation shift is causing the newly discovered features, the team theorizes that they will drift northward over the next few years as Titan?s year progresses through the southern summer and into autumn. If it is being caused by geological changes, such as methane geysers or a geologic ?warm? spot on the surface, the feature should stay at the observed 40-degree latitude as the surface activity spurs changes in atmospheric convection and methane cloud formation. Continued storm formations will be easily distinguishable in future ground-based observations using Gemini, Keck and other adaptive-optics enabled telescopes.

?Using adaptive optics from the Earth allows us to see things that just a few years ago would have been invisible,? said Keck Scientist Antonin Bouchez. ?These observations show that ground-based telescopes are a perfect complement to space missions like Cassini.?

This research is scheduled for publication in the January 1, 2005 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

Original Source: Gemini News Release

Cassini’s First Flyby of Dione

Dione is a small heavily cratered moon 560 km (350 miles) in diameter orbiting Saturn once every 2.73 days, which is actually the same period as its axial rotation. The moon lies at a distance of 377,400 kilometres (234,555 miles) from its parent planet. Dione is also known to share its orbit around Saturn with a small asteroid named Helene, that occupies a stable point ahead of it in orbit. The surface temperature of Dione is very similar to that of Titan at -186 degrees centigrade, and cryogenic activity is known to have helped shape the moon?s surface, although, unlike Titan, Dione has no known atmosphere.

The Cassini flyby this week has helped to confirm that some time in the moon?s past there were two episodes of cryo-volcanic flooding widely spaced in time that affected different regions. It is believed these episodes may be the result of tidal heating caused by the orbital interaction with another of Saturn?s moons named Enceladus.

As the Cassini Orbiter passed by Dione it took detailed images of an uncharted surface region of the area known as the ?Trailing Hemisphere,? centered on Latitude 0?, and Longitude 270? that is dominated by three craters, one large named Amata, with two smaller craters nearby named Catillus and Coras. Geologically speaking, this is the most interesting area of the moon for planetary astronomers, because this region of Dione is marked by two distinct white ray systems.

The largest, Palatine Linea, streaks down towards the moon?s south polar region that ends with a large unnamed crater. The new Cassini images show this area to be composed of long linear groves, and rills, with intermittent small craters at varying distances.

The second white linear feature, named Padua Linea, is about half the size Palatine Linea, and is also crossed with linear rills that stretch from Dione?s equator at Longitude 240 ? down to the southeast, ending at Latitude -20?. The largest crater dominating the area named Cassandra is shown prominently in the Cassini photographs.

Cassini also imaged the ?Leading Hemisphere? for the first time between Longitude 180 ? 145 degrees, at Latitude of around 40 degrees either side of the moon?s equator, and again it is shown to be covered in small impact craters.

All of the eight images returned by Cassini today show that much of Dione is heavily potholed with small craters with intermittent large impact craters at wide intervals, all of which are uncharted and unnamed. Therefore, Cassini has confirmed what planetary scientists had believed all along; that the resurfacing events on Dione must have taken place long before the resurfacing of Enceladus, because Dione?s least cratered areas have far more craters than those on Enceladus itself.

While the images of Dione returned today are the best ever close range images taken of this moon, the Cassini space craft is due to fly by Dione even closer next October, when it will pass just 500 Km (311 miles) above the moon?s surface.

The moon Dione has a visual magnitude of +10.4 so that it’s visible in medium sized telescopes, and amateur astronomers can view the moon over the next few months for themselves. Saturn is at opposition on 13 January, and lies in the zodiac constellation of Gemini (The Twins).

By Science Correspondent Richard Pearson

Cassini Flies Past Mysterious Titan Again

With a diameter of 5,150 kilometres, Titan is the largest of Saturn?s family of moons; it’s even bigger than the planets Mercury or Pluto. It has an atmosphere of orange-yellow smog composed mostly of nitrogen with an abundance of hydrocarbon organic compounds including methane; although, it seems to have very few clouds. On October 26, Cassini passed close to Titan revealing a first glimpse of the moon’s strange surface. It discovered a rugged yet level landscape with few craters, meaning that the planet must be geologically active. Mysterious oily flows of cryogenic ice ooze across the surface. Planetary scientists have been thrilled by the results so far.

Titan is cold. Its surface temperature is -180? C – way too cold for liquid water, yet it’s close to the triple point of methane, where this hydrocarbon gas can exist in all three physical states at its surface: solid ice, liquid or gaseous.

Cassini turned its Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) towards the star Spica (Alpha Virginis), then Lambda Scorpi, and for the next 8 hours observed the stars as they were obscured by Titan’s atmosphere. This sensitive instrument is different from other types of spectrometers because it can take both spectral and spatial readings. It’s particularly adept at determining the composition of gases. Spatial observations take a wide-by-narrow view, only one pixel tall and 60 pixels across. The spectral dimension is 1,024 pixels per spatial pixel. Additionally, it’s capable of taking so many images that it can create movies to show the ways in which this material is moved around by other forces. This provided a vertical profile of the main constituents of the atmospheric layers that have a similar temperature profile to the Earth.

Close approach occurred before Cassini passed up through Saturn’s ring plane, and returned some of the best close up images of the ring system to date. Then Cassini began using its radar to map part of Titan’s surface terrain at a small solar phase angle. The experiment was looking for signs of hot spots on the moon’s surface that would indicate the presence of active cryo-volcanoes, and even lighting in Titan’s atmosphere.

The 2.6-meter Huygens lander probe will separate from its mother ship on Christmas Eve, travelling towards Titan and entering the moon’s atmosphere on 14 January. Much of Huygens’s science will take place during its atmospheric decent, which will be relayed to Cassini, and then transmitted back to Earth’s waiting scientists and the media. If Huygens actually lands successfully on Titan, it’ll be a major bonus for the mission.

Huygens will be attempting to determine the origin of Titan’s molecular nitrogen atmosphere. Planetary scientists want to answer the question: “Is Titan’s atmosphere primordial (accumulated as Titan formed) or was it originally accreted as ammonia, which subsequently broke down to form nitrogen and hydrogen?”

If nitrogen from the solar nebula (out of which our Solar System formed) was the source of nitrogen on Titan, then the ratio of argon to nitrogen in the solar nebula should be preserved. Such a finding would mean that we have truly found a sample of the “original” planetary atmospheres of our Solar System

Huygens will also try to detect lightning on Titan. The extensive atmosphere of Titan may host Earth-like electrical storms and lightning. Although no evidence of lightning on Titan has been observed so far, the Cassini Huygens mission provides the opportunity to determine whether such lightning exists. In addition to the visual search for lightning, the study of plasma waves in the vicinity of Titan may offer another method. Lightning discharges a broad band of electromagnetic emission, part of which can propagate along magnetic field lines as whistler-mode emission.

By Science Correspondent Richard Pearson

Dark Side of the Rings

As Cassini swung around to the dark side of the planet during its first close passage after orbit insertion, the intrepid spacecraft spied three ring moons whizzing around the planet.

Visible in this image are: Mimas (398 kilometers, or 247 miles across) brightest and above center; Janus (181 kilometers, or 112 miles across) second brightest at upper left; and Prometheus (102 kilometers, or 63 miles across) just above the main rings at upper left.

The normally bright B ring appears very dark from this vantage point. Regions with smaller concentrations of particles, such as the Cassini division (bright near center) transmit more sunlight and thus are brighter.

The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft wide angle camera on Oct. 27, 2004, at a distance of 757,000 kilometers (470,000miles) from Saturn. The image scale is about 42 kilometers (26 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and the Cassini imaging team home page,

Original Source: NASA News Release