
What Would a Realistic Space Battle Look Like?

Science fiction space movies can do a poor job of educating people about space. In the movies, hot-shot pilots direct…

4 years ago

Wow, Betelgeuse Might Be 25% Closer than Previously Believed

In the last year, Betelgeuse has experienced two episodes of dimming. Normally, it's one of the ten brightest stars in…

4 years ago

Here’s a Clever Idea, Looking for the Shadows of Trees On Exoplanets to Detect Multicellular Life

That's the kind of headline that can leave us scratching our heads. How can you see tree shadows on other…

4 years ago

Machine Learning Software is Now Doing the Exhausting Task of Counting Craters On Mars

Does the life of an astronomer or planetary scientists seem exciting? Sitting in an observatory, sipping warm cocoa, with high-tech…

4 years ago

Chitin Could be the Perfect Building Material on Mars

It's hard to deny that we're heading for a future with a human presence on Mars. But to develop sustained…

4 years ago

Earth’s Oxygen Could be Making the Moon Rust

It takes oxygen to make iron rust. So when scientists discovered hematite spread widely through lunar high latitudes, they were…

4 years ago

Nancy Roman Telescope’s Primary 2.4-Meter Mirror is Ready

The Nancy Roman Telescope has reached another milestone in its development. NASA has announced that the space telescope's primary mirror…

4 years ago

A Huge Ring-Like Structure on Ganymede Might be the Result of an Enormous Impact

Ganymede's surface is a bit of a puzzle for planetary scientists. About two-thirds of its surface is covered in lighter…

4 years ago

There’s One Cloud on Mars That’s Over 1800 km Long

Mars' massive cloud is back. Every year during Mars' summer solstice, a cloud of water ice forms on the leeward…

4 years ago

Microbes Were Dormant for Over 100 Million Years, But They Were Able to Spring Back to Life

At the bottom of the ocean in the South Pacific Gyre, there's a sediment layer that is among the most…

4 years ago