
It’s Finally here. The First Ever Image of a Black Hole

"We have taken the first picture of a black hole." EHT project director Sheperd S. Doeleman of the Center for…

5 years ago

Metal Asteroid Psyche Might Have Had Volcanoes of Molten Iron

Imagine a time in the Solar System's past, when the asteroids were not solid rock, but blobs of molten iron.…

5 years ago

New Ring of Dust Discovered in the Inner Solar System

Discovering new things in space is a regular occurrence. Astronomers keep finding more distant objects in the outer reaches of…

5 years ago

Massive Photons Could Explain Dark Matter, But Don’t

I’ll be the first to admit that we don’t understand dark matter. We do know for sure that something funny…

5 years ago

You’re in This Picture. It’s a Selfie Taken by SpaceIL’s Beresheet Lunar Lander on its Way to the Moon

Israel's space program doesn't get a lot of headlines. Israel itself is in the news a lot, but usually for…

5 years ago

InSight’s Rock-hammer is About Half a Meter Down and has Already Run into Rocks.

NASA's InSight lander is busy deploying its Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) into the Martian soil and has…

5 years ago

Massive Volcanic Eruptions 66 Million Years Ago Happened Almost Exactly When the Dinosaurs Died Off

Everyone knows an asteroid strike wiped out the dinosaurs, right? Lots of evidence shows that the Chicxulub impact event had…

5 years ago

Meet WFIRST, The Space Telescope with the Power of 100 Hubbles

WFIRST ain't your grandma's space telescope. Despite having the same size mirror as the surprisingly reliable Hubble Space Telescope, clocking…

5 years ago

This is a Dust Devil… on Mars

We live in a time when our spacecraft orbiting Mars at an altitude of about 300 km. can snap photos…

5 years ago

This Star Has Been Going Nova Every Year, for Millions of Years

A nova star is like a vampire that siphons gas from its binary partner. As it does so, the gas…

5 years ago