
Annual Atlanta Star Party Coming Soon!

If you happen to be attending DragonCon or just live near Atlanta, come and listen to some fantastic speakers and…

10 years ago

NASA Spacecraft Is Now Buzzing Mercury 62 Miles Above The Surface

Look out below! NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft is at its lowest altitude of any spacecraft above Mercury, and over the next…

10 years ago

Feel The Heat! New Mars Map Shows Differences Between Bedrock And Sand

For years, NASA's Mars Odyssey has been working on some night moves. It's been taking pictures of the Red Planet…

10 years ago

Merging Giant Galaxies Sport ‘Blue Bling’ in New Hubble Pic

On a summer night, high above our heads, where the Northern Crown and Herdsman meet, a titanic new galaxy is…

11 years ago

‘Vulnerable’ Earth-Like Planets Could Survive With Friction: Study

If you're a potentially habitable world orbiting in a zone where liquid water can exist -- and then a rude…

11 years ago

Something In Big Dipper ‘Blob’ Is Sending Out Cosmic Rays, Study Says

Behind the Big Dipper is something pumping out a lot of extremely high-energy cosmic rays, a new study says. And…

11 years ago

Virtual Summer Camp Alert! Maker Camp Kicks Off Today

If you're a high school student who's really into space, Maker Camp bills itself as a great spot for you…

11 years ago

Mars One Soliciting Your Research Ideas for 2018 Robotic Red Planet Lander

Would you like to send your great idea for a research experiment to Mars and are searching for a method…

11 years ago