One of nature’s grandest ‘occultations’ of all is coming right up this Friday, as the Moon passes in front of…
Looks like the Sagittarius Teapot's got a new whistle. On March 15, John Seach of Chatsworth Island, NSW, Australia discovered…
The first eclipse of 2015 is coming right up on Friday, March 20th, and may provide a unique challenge for…
The first of two eclipse seasons for the year is upon us this month, and kicks off with the only…
Supermoons. Blood Moons. Moons both Black and Blue… by now, you’d think that there was nothing new under the Sun…
Like coins, most comet have both heads and tails. Occasionally, during a close passage of the Sun, a comet's head will…
“How far can you see with that thing?” It’s a common question overhead at many public star parties in reference…
Tonight the thin, 2-day-old crescent Moon will join Venus and Mars in the western sky at dusk for one of…
Did you hear the one about last month’s ‘supermoon?’ Yeah, we know. The hype was actually for an event that…
In March 2012, amateur astronomers began observing unusual clouds or plumes along the western limb of the red planet Mars.…