
Will the March 20th Total Solar Eclipse Impact Europe’s Solar Energy Grid?

The first eclipse of 2015 is coming right up on Friday, March 20th, and may provide a unique challenge for…

9 years ago

A Complete Guide to the March 20th Total Solar Eclipse

The first of two eclipse seasons for the year is upon us this month, and kicks off with the only…

9 years ago

The Mini-Moon Cometh: Catch the Smallest Full Moon of 2015 This Thursday

Supermoons. Blood Moons. Moons both Black and Blue… by now, you’d think that there was nothing new under the Sun…

9 years ago

Kamikaze Comet Loses its Head

Like coins, most comet have both heads and tails. Occasionally, during a close passage of the Sun, a comet's head will…

9 years ago

Peer Into the Distant Universe: How to See Quasars With Backyard Telescopes

“How far can you see with that thing?” It’s a common question overhead at many public star parties in reference…

9 years ago

How to Photograph Tonight’s Spectacular Triple-Play Conjunction

Tonight the thin, 2-day-old crescent Moon will join Venus and Mars in the western sky at dusk for one of…

9 years ago

Black Moon: Why the New Moon on February 18th is Special

Did you hear the one about last month’s ‘supermoon?’ Yeah, we know. The hype was actually for an event that…

9 years ago

Nobody Knows What These Mysterious Plumes are on Mars

In March 2012, amateur astronomers began observing unusual clouds or plumes along the western limb of the red planet Mars.…

9 years ago

Catch a ‘Conjunction Triple Play’ on February 20th as the Moon Meets Venus & Mars

Fear not, the chill of late February. This Friday gives lovers of the sky a reason to brave the cold…

9 years ago

By Jove: Jupiter Reaches Opposition on February 6th

Did you see the brilliant Full Snow Moon rising last night? Then you might’ve also noticed a bright nearby ‘star’.…

9 years ago