Fear not, the chill of late February. This Friday gives lovers of the sky a reason to brave the cold…
Did you see the brilliant Full Snow Moon rising last night? Then you might’ve also noticed a bright nearby ‘star’.…
The Full Moon celebrates Jupiter's coming opposition by accompanying the bright planet in a beautiful conjunction tonight. Even last night Jupiter and…
Got a smartphone and a telescope? It’s a sight now common at many star parties. Frequently, you see folks roaming…
The cosmos is continually in motion. Be it atoms, stars or snowflakes from the latest nor’easter pounding the New England…
I want to alert you to a rather unusual event occurring this evening. Many of you already know about the triple…
Play the skywatching game long enough, and anything can happen. Well, nearly anything. One of the more unique clockwork events…
I hate to admit it, but our dear comet is fading. Only a little though. As Comet Q2 Lovejoy wends…
Lost sleep at night, fingers tapping on the keyboard by day. Darn comets are keeping me busy! But of course that's…
A lot of asteroids pass near Earth every year. Many are the size of a house, make close flybys and…