
Our Complete Guide to the October 8th “Hunter’s Moon” Total Lunar Eclipse

October 2014 means eclipse season 2 of 2 for the year is upon us. Don’t fear the ‘Blood Moon’ that’s…

10 years ago

PanSTARRS K1, the Comet that Keeps Going and Going and Going

Thank you K1 PanSTARRS for hanging in there!  Some comets crumble and fade away. Others linger a few months and move…

10 years ago

A Splash of Color Across the Supermoon

A software engineer from Florida recently captured an image of the day-old supermoon in September that clearly conveys color variations across its surface.…

10 years ago

A Triple Occultation Bonanza: A Challenging Series of Occultations This Weekend and More

Got clear skies? This week’s equinox means the return of astronomical Fall for northern hemisphere observers and a slow but…

10 years ago

Look Up! The Space Station Must Be The Ultimate Stargazing Location

While NASA often speaks about the power of Earth observation from the International Space Station, the picture above from one…

10 years ago

Glowing Galaxies Shine Above Trance-Like Telescopic Timelapse

We often speak of the discoveries and data flowing from astronomical observatories, which makes it easy to forget the cool…

10 years ago

Stalking Uranus: A Complete Guide to the 2014 Opposition Season

It’s no joke… now is the time to begin searching the much-maligned (and mispronounced) planet Uranus as it reaches opposition…

10 years ago

How to Take Great Pictures of the Northern Lights

Everybody loves pictures of the northern lights! If you've never tried to shoot the aurora yourself but always wanted to, here…

10 years ago

Will Aurora Strike Tonight? Here’s What to Expect

(Scroll down for latest update) Auroras showed up as forecast last night beginning around nightfall and lasting until about 1 a.m.…

10 years ago

Tales (Tails?) Of Three Comets

As the Chinese proverb says, “May you live in interesting times,” and while the promise of Comet ISON dazzling observers…

10 years ago