
Fear Not the Moon, Perseids Always a Great Show

Get ready for the darling of meteor showers this week — the Perseids. Who can deny their appeal? Not only…

10 years ago

Get Set For Super (Duper?) Moon 2 of 3 For 2014

You could be forgiven for thinking this summer that the “supermoon” is now a monthly occurrence. But this coming weekend’s…

10 years ago

Stargazing Timelapse Plus Apollo 14 Launch Soundtrack Is Pure Magic

It feels like a real stargazing session watching this video. You head out at dusk, waiting for the first few…

10 years ago

Observing Alert – Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week

With the southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaking tomorrow morning, the summer meteor-watching season officially begins. While not a rich shower from…

10 years ago

When Good Meteor Showers Go Bad: Prospects for the 2014 Perseids

It’s that time of year again, when the most famous of all meteor showers puts on its best display. Why…

10 years ago

Comet Jacques Makes a ‘Questionable’ Appearance

What an awesome photo! Italian amateur astronomer Rolando Ligustri nailed it earlier today using a remote telescope in New Mexico…

10 years ago

Having Fun with the Equation of Time

If you’re like us, you might’ve looked at a globe of the Earth in elementary school long before the days…

10 years ago

‘Weak’ New Meteor Shower Due To Fragile Comet Dust

While the Camelopardalid shower only produced a few meteors, the lack of flashy disintegrations showed astronomers something new, a new…

10 years ago

Observing Challenge: 6 White Dwarf Stars to See in Your Backyard Telescope

Looking for something off beat to observe? Some examples of curious astronomical objects lie within the reach of the dedicated…

10 years ago

Comet Jacques Is Back! Joins Venus and Mercury at Dawn

Comet C/2014 E2 Jacques has returned! Before it disappeared in the solar glow this spring, the comet reached magnitude +6, the naked…

10 years ago