
An Awesome Annular Eclipse! Images and Videos from Earth and Space

A spectacular annular eclipse of the Sun was witnessed across Australia and the southern Pacific region early today. Morning dawned…

11 years ago

Amateur Astronomer Catches Record Setting Gamma-Ray Burst

Vigilance and a little luck paid off recently for an amateur astronomer. On April 27th, 2013 a long lasting gamma-ray…

11 years ago

How to Catch This Week’s ‘Ring of Fire’ Annular Eclipse

The first solar eclipse of 2013 is upon us this week, with the May 10th annular eclipse crossing northern Australia…

11 years ago

Watch for the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower this Weekend

An often ignored meteor shower may offer fine prospects for viewing this weekend. The Eta Aquarid meteors provide a dependable…

11 years ago

Saturn Reaches Opposition on April 28

Saturn is one of the most striking objects to see through a telescope, and it is now at its brightest…

11 years ago

Comet Lemmon, Now in STEREO

An icy interloper was in the sights of a NASA spacecraft this past weekend. Comet 2012 F6 Lemmon passed through…

11 years ago

A ‘Shallow’ Lunar Eclipse Coming on April 25

Eclipse season is upon us this week with the first eclipse of 2013, a brief partial lunar eclipse. The lunar…

11 years ago

The Curious History of the Lyrid Meteor Shower

Today we residents of planet Earth meet up with a meteor stream with a strange and bizarre past. The Lyrid…

11 years ago

How to Spot the Antares Launch from NASA Wallops on Wednesday

A space launch marking a new era is departing from the Virginia coast this Wednesday evening, and if you live…

11 years ago

Mysterious Moon Flashes: Could the Transient Lunar Phenomena be Linked to the Solar Cycle?

A key mystery in observational lunar astronomy may be at least partially resolved. An interesting study appeared recently in the…

11 years ago