Solar System

Is Jupiter’s Core Liquifying?

[/caption] Jupiter, the largest and most massive planet in our solar system, may be its own worst enemy. It turns…

13 years ago

Ask Dr. Alan Stern

[/caption] We're testing a new "Ask" article format here at Universe Today and we know you've got a question you'd…

13 years ago

NASA Planning for Possible Landings on Europa

[/caption] All these worlds are yours except Europa Attempt no landing there Use them together use them in peace  Despite…

13 years ago

Dawn swoops to lowest orbit around Vesta – Unveiling Spectacular Alien World

[/caption] NASA’s Dawn Asteroid Orbiter successfully spiraled down today to the closest orbit the probe will ever achieve around the…

13 years ago

Opportunity Discovers Most Powerful Evidence Yet for Martian Liquid Water

[/caption] NASA’s long lived Opportunity rover has discovered the most scientifically compelling evidence yet for the flow of liquid water…

13 years ago

Could Solar Storms ‘Sandblast’ the Moon?

[/caption]According to a new set of NASA computer simulations, solar storms and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) can erode the lunar…

13 years ago

Rainbow of Colors Reveal Asteroid Vesta as More Like a Planet

[/caption] The giant Asteroid Vesta is among the most colorful bodies in our entire solar system and it appears to…

13 years ago

Voyager 1 Spacecraft Enters New Region of Solar System

[/caption] Voyager 1 is in uncharted territory. The long-lived spacecraft has entered a new region of space that lies between…

13 years ago