Solar System

A Tale of Three Moons: Is There Life in the Outer Solar System?

[/caption] Until fairly recently, the search for life elsewhere in the solar system has focused primarily on Mars, as it…

13 years ago

Dawn Discovers Surprise 2nd Giant South Pole Impact Basin at Strikingly Dichotomous Vesta

[/caption] Scientists leading NASA’s Dawn mission have discovered a 2nd giant impact basin at the south pole of the giant…

13 years ago

Phobos-Grunt: The Mission Poster

[/caption] Russia is marking the upcoming blastoff of their dauntingly complex Phobos-Grunt sample return mission to the Martian moon Phobos…

13 years ago

Pluto or Eris: Which is Bigger?

[/caption] The controversy between Pluto and Eris regarding their status as "largest dwarf planet" continues. During a joint meeting of…

13 years ago

Daring Russian Sample Return mission to Martian Moon Phobos aims for November Liftoff

[/caption] In just over 3 weeks' time, Russia plans to launch a bold mission to Mars whose objective, if successful…

13 years ago

Mystery of the Martian Rilles

[/caption] When the first spacecraft flew by Mars in the 1960's, the images returned revealed a relatively uninteresting-looking place, featureless…

13 years ago

Why is Tonight’s Full Moon the Smallest of the Year?

[/caption] Think we can only see half of the Moon's surface from Earth? Not always. Over the course of the…

13 years ago

Amazing New View of the Mt. Everest of Vesta

[/caption] NASA has just released an amazing new view of the mysterious south pole of Vesta that offers an oblique…

13 years ago